Comey, Ice Cream, and September

Each day, the mainstream media and the Democrats in Congress display their utter contempt for President Trump.  Over a week ago, President Trump dismissed FBI Director James Comey.

The President has the full authority to dismiss the director along with many other appointed positions in the Executive Branch.  The FBI Director serves at the pleasure of the President.  Yet the squawks keep coming after a full week. Continue reading

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After States Cast Electoral Votes CNN Still Poses Scenarios

In the movie, Dumb and Dumber, the character, Lloyd Christmas wants to know the chances of a guy like him connecting with a girl like Mary Swanson. She clearly doesn’t want to hurt his feelings but he presses the issue and she finally tells him that the chances are like one out of a million. Lloyd confidently responds, “So you’re telling me there’s a chance. YEAH!”

Since the Presidential election, we have watched the main stream media, particularly CNN, live out the role of Lloyd Christmas. Electors in states across the nation cast their votes for President on Monday, December 19, 2016 and Donald Trump was officially elected as President by a majority of electors. Continue reading

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