Democrat Doublespeak

Leslie and I took a cruise at the end of the year and just returned. I purposely declined the ship’s internet package so the only reason I carried my phone was to take pictures.

We needed to get away from everything and make a major decision. I will write more about that in the near future. Continue reading

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We Had Better Show Up to Vote

Twenty Democrat candidates for President gathered in Miami, Florida to introduce themselves to the American people. For four hours over two nights we heard promises that revealed their underlying foundation of belief about America and the American people.

There were no significant differences in their philosophies and views of governing in America. There were significant differences between the overall philosophies that we heard during those four hours and philosophies that we did not hear.

What we heard from each of the twenty candidates was a constant stream of victimization, class envy, despair, dependence, divisiveness, and denial of individual responsibility. In short, the socialistic theme of the Democrats was, “In government we trust.”

What we never heard were the uniquely American themes of aspiration, freedom, patriotism, liberty, faith, family, prosperity, and acceptance of personal responsibility. The theme of, “In God We Trust” was as absent as light in the depths of Carlsbad Caverns.

The candidates promised that there would be no deportation for those entering the US illegally and, as icing on the cake, free health care. They also wanted to cancel student loans and give free college. With all of these goodies, there was not a single mention of the growing national debt and fiscal responsibility.

Economy – “there’s plenty of money in this country. It’s just in the wrong hands. Democrats have to fix that.” (Bill De Blasio)

On night one, the moderator, Savannah Guthrie opened the questioning on the economy with the observation that, “71 percent of Americans say the economy is doing well, including 60 percent of Democrats.” I found it interesting that she did not make the same observation on night two. The reason likely had to do with the way the candidates answered.

Not a single candidate acknowledged that the economy was doing better for everyone. Elizabeth Warren said that the economy was doing well for a “thinner and thinner slice at the top.” Kamala Harris said, “this economy is not working for working people.” Corey Booker said, “this is actually an economy that’s hurting small businesses.” I suppose that means that 70% of Americans and 60% of Democrats are out of touch with the reality that the candidates obviously knew.

The line that caught my attention was that of New York Mayor Bill De Blasio who proudly displayed his socialist philosophy. In an indirect way, he acknowledged that the Trump economy is booming when he said that “there’s plenty of money in this country.”

As a good socialist Democrat, De Blasio stepped up to the plate to fix the serious problem of individual wealth building in America. He is committed to get the money out of your hands as a free American and into the wise hands of the government where it needs to be.

Immigration – Come on In. We’ll Leave the Light on For You.

On the issue of illegal immigration, every candidate made it a “day one” priority to abolish all efforts of the Trump administration to secure the borders. They advocated a pathway to citizenship for all undocumented people in the United States. Illegal border crossing would be treated as a civil case rather than a criminal case. Deportation is off the table. Instead of deportation, there will be free health care and a pathway to citizenship.

It was pretty clear that to these candidates, the laws of the United States must only apply to US citizens. It raises a question of just exactly what the Border Patrol should be doing. These candidates may as well suggest that they disarm the Border Patrol and issue them summons books and US Government ball point pens. While they are at it, they may as well issue voter registration cards and let them cast pre-marked ballots.

Democrats did have some ideas about how to reduce the number of illegal (no, wait, that’s undocumented) border crossings. Julian Castro said, “we need a Marshall Plan for Honduras and Guatemala and El Salvador so that people can find safety and opportunity at home instead of coming to the United States to seek it.” These governments will, no doubt, graciously accept any handout from the United States while rounding up their most undesirable residents to send our way.

Health Care – “Under our plan people go to go to any doctor they want, any hospital they want.” (Bernie Sanders)

As the great philosopher, Yogi Berra, said, “It’s like déjà vu all over again.” Obama promised Americans that they could keep their health plan but Bernie Sanders is only promising that you can go to any doctor or any hospital you want.

Sanders wants to abolish the private health insurance market and put in a nationwide Medicare to take its place. Sanders is even up front on taxing the middle class, saying, “they will pay more in taxes, but less in health care for what they get.”

Every Democrat candidate promised some kind of universal, government run, health care system. Every Democrat candidate promised free health care for illegal (undocumented) immigrants.

Sanders was the only one openly advocating abolishing private health insurance. When a private system attempts to compete with a government run system, who will win? Private health insurance will be relegated to elective procedures like plastic surgery. Patients with the money will be able to by-pass lengthy waiting lines to go to concierge private hospitals.

Gun Rights – “that’s not confiscation. You could give them the offer to buy back their gun.” (Amy Klobuchar)

Every Democrat went after assault rifles. They all generously offered some kind of buy-back program. The candidates did not get into any direct statements on the 2nd Amendment. Elizabeth Warren made note of a significant difference between “guns in the hands of a collector who’s had them for decades, who’s never fired them” and “guns that are sold and turned over quickly.”

Ironically, Kirsten Gillibrand complained that President Trump had diverted funds away from cross-border gun trafficking. It sounds as if she was in favor of Obama’s Fast and Furious debacle that cost the life of a US Border Patrol agent.

Climate Change – “It’s a climate crisis. It represents an existential threat to us as a species.” (Kamala Harris)

Climate change was the top priority for several candidates and in the top few for the others. All committed to re-entering the Paris Climate Accord after President Trump pulled out in June, 2017.

This is notable because a report in July 2018 by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) released a report showing that the United States achieved the largest reduction in carbon emissions. Meanwhile China led the world with the largest increase in carbon emissions.

No one opposed the Green New Deal. Joe Biden wants to go all electric by 2030 and build 500,000 recharging stations.

Conclusion – We had better show up to vote.

In 2020, the American people will have a clear choice between the socialist agenda of the Democrats and the American dream agenda of the Republicans. The choice has never been clearer and we had better show up to vote for conservative Republicans. Choose wisely.

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The Shutdown, Charlie Brown, Lucy, and Football

Peanuts is an American classic. One of the ordeals for Charlie Brown is his repeated misplaced trust in Lucy holding the football for kickoff. 

Time after time, Lucy assures Charlie that she will hold the football. Charlie hesitates because she always pulls the football away. 

Finally, Charlie again trusts Lucy and races forward to kick the ball. At the last split second, Lucy snatches the ball out of the way. Charlie flips backwards through the air, landing on his back with a thud.

In some ways this is a good analogy of what is going on between the Democrats and President Trump in the government shutdown. 

The latest proposals from the Democrats provide for opening the government for two or three weeks. During the two or three weeks, the Democrats promise that they will make an honest and diligent effort to consider the President’s request for border security. 

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, called on the President to postpone his State of the Union address. It is scheduled for January 29. She wants him to wait until the government is reopened. 

She also suggested that he deliver it in writing rather than a televised address to the American people. Her request is understandable given her poor performance with Chuck Schumer in their response to President Trump’s Whitehouse address on border security. 

So far, the President is not buying it. He is standing firm. 

Democrats are playing the role of Lucy. They promise that if President Trump will sign a bill to fund the government for just two or three weeks, they can work things out.

The script assures us that Charlie Brown will finally trust Lucy. There is a big difference this time. President Trump is not Charlie Brown. 

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My Prediction for Tuesday

We are now down to hours before the voters will make key decisions across the nation. Democrats have poured millions into races, like the race for governor here in Georgia.

Pollsters are crunching the numbers and giving their opinions. I am not a pollster. I do observe and I have been right more often than many of the pollsters.

Four years ago there was a lot of speculation that there would be a run-off in the governor’s race and possibly Senate race because of the Libertarian candidates. It didn’t happen.

I do not think it will happen this time either. I think that Brian Kemp will get 53 – 55% of the vote.

I believe that Republicans will pick up Senate seats. I believe that Republicans will hold the US House of Representatives.

One of the things that I believe is happening with polls this time around is similar to 2016. In 2016 there were a lot of people who voted for Donald Trump but did not want to say so to anyone but perhaps their closest of friends.

President Trump has nationalized races across the country. A lot of people understand that in US Senate and House races, the election is about the party, not the person.

American voters are smarter than media talking heads, pollsters, and political consultants believe them to be. The huge numbers showing up at Donald Trump rallies, such as the one in Macon, Georgia today is proof of that.

Whether we want to say it or not, this election is a national referendum on President Trump. I believe that the nation is happy with strong economic growth, record low unemployment, growing wages, and yes, even a strong stand on border security.

The American people are also sick of the Democrat willingness to outright lie to stop President Trump. The latest news is that one of the accusers of Judge Kavanaugh admitted to fabricating a false accusation saying (1) she “just wanted to get attention”; (2) “it was a tactic”; and (3) “that was just a ploy.” (letter from Senate Judiciary Chairman Grassley, November 2, 2018 to Attorney General Jeff Sessions).

I see Trump voters coming out as they did in 2016, and bringing others with them. Democrats have a powerful ground game across the nation and here in Georgia so their numbers will be up as well. I think; however, when all is said and done on Tuesday evening, we will see that the American people validated the great things that are happening.

So, I leave you with my prediction. If you have not voted, then Tuesday is it. Go vote and take someone with you who hasn’t voted already.

Signature-Donald E. Cole

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Shoehorning to Shutdown

Congress failed to send a bill to the President to continue funding the government. As a result, President Trump directed an orderly shut down process to begin at midnight, January 19, 2018.

Senate rules allow a minority of Senators to block action on a bill. Republicans hold a slim 51 to 49 majority in the Senate. When Democrats filibuster (which they did) Republicans need at least 9 Democrat votes to allow a vote on the bill.

Five Democrats voted to proceed with voting along with 45 Republicans. Five Republicans including McConnell voted NO on the motion to proceed. McConnell voted NO so that he could move to reconsider.

I watched the Senate proceedings. Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell spoke with clear common sense about the failure of the Senate to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government.

There was very little controversy over the content of the resolution. McConnell noted that the shutdown was 100% avoidable and pointedly said, “Democrats chose to filibuster a non-controversial funding bill that contains nothing, not a thing, that they do not support.”

That raises a rather obvious question. What is the problem? The problem is that Democrats decided to insert a completely separate issue into the resolution. McConnell put it best, “There is only one reason we ended up here; the shoehorning of illegal immigration into this debate.”

Cut through all the hype and it comes down to one simple issue. Democrats put the interests of illegal immigrants above the interests of Americans.

The issue they shoehorned into this debate has nothing to do with funding the government. Republicans in the Senate should stand together and refuse to yield to this blatant extortion.

The American people clearly see Schumer’s priorities.They see where they stand in relation to illegal immigrants.

Senator McConnell is to be commended for his leadership thus far. Schumer’s Shutdown does not just put Americans in the back of the bus. Schumer’s Shutdown kicks Americans under the bus.

Democrat Senators need to make the wise decision to put America first. Put an end to this hypocritical smokescreen charade and let the Senate vote on the Continuing Resolution.

Signature-Donald E. Cole

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Republicans – Take a Lesson from Democrats

I was once asked what got me involved in Republican politics.  My answer is easy: Bill Clinton and the Democrat party.

When the Monica Lewinski affair came out Bill Clinton angrily shook his finger at the television camera and the American people denying any impropriety.  While I did not believe a word he was saying, I counted it as just politics.

Then he testified to the Grand Jury and again blatantly lied.  Not only did he lie, but it was evident that the Clintons made threats and went after those who told the truth.  At that point it was no longer just politics. Continue reading FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmailFacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmailby feather

An Appeal to Georgians Who Vote Democrat

I know Georgians who vote Democrat.  Some come from a Labor Union background. Many are African-American. Some are elderly Caucasians who loved Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The common denominator is that they are fed the line that Republicans are greedy, uncaring, and out of touch with the common people. That is a false caricature.  The truth is that the Democrat party is not the party of the common man. It took a sharp detour from that path long ago.  Continue reading FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmailFacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmailby feather

Preachers and Politics – No Subject is Off Limits

Be assured, God is not deaf to the cries of the millions of innocent babies callously killed as if a sacrifice to the god of convenience. Then as if mere killing was not enough, Planned Parenthood and other organizations determined that if they killed the baby is just the right manner, they could butcher the body and sell the parts to highest bidder.

Our nation cannot continue down this path and expect that there will not be consequences from the just and righteous Creator who watched over us and formed this nation of freedom. Do not think for a moment that the great United States of America cannot fall under God’s judgment. Continue reading FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmailFacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmailby feather