The Friendly Extortion Letter from the DOE and DOJ

On May 13, a joint letter from the US Department of Education and the US Department of Justice went to school administrators across the nation. It was addressed to “Dear Colleague.” The first page of the document was written in seven different languages offering free language services if the reader had difficulty understanding English.

Stop and let this sink in for a moment. This is a letter to professional educators in public Continue reading

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The Opportunity School District Amendment Grows Bureacracy

This November you will have a decision to make on the Georgia Constitution. One of the Constitutional amendments will be to ratify an amendment relating to failing schools. Here is what you will see on the ballot:

Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended to allow the state to intervene in chronically failing public schools in order to improve student performance?
( ) Yes
( ) No

A one question description is inadequate to fully explain the impact of a yes or a no vote. A simple reading of the text above would likely generate a response of “of course!”

The Democrat party of Richmond County wanted to get feedback from Democrat voters on the amendment. This is the wording of a non-binding question on the May 24 Richmond County Democrat Primary ballot: Continue reading

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