Preacher Disgrace Not Absolved with Pie in the Face

In the Republican run-off for a Glynn County Commission race, Bishop Kenneth Adkins admitted to making up an endorsement from State Representative Jeff Jones for one of the candidates in the race.  The truth is that Jeff Jones endorsed the other candidate.

Georgia Pundit editor, Todd Rehm, shared a report from the Florida Times Union about the incident. According to the report, Bishop Adkins pulled photos from Representative Jones’ State Legislative site and Facebook page and then posted a statement that reads in part, Continue reading

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4th of July and 6 Powerful Words We Need in a Candidate

This coming Saturday, we will celebrate the 239th birthday of the United States. It is far more than just the anniversary of an event in time. The opening words and the closing words of the Declaration of Independence have a powerful message for us today.

“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

There is a recognition that this new nation was on equal standing among the powers of the earth with any other nation on the earth. The basis of that equal standing was not something that other nations gave to them, but something to which God held the title and God gave to them. Continue reading

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Mike Keown – 40 Years of Service

When Pastor Mike Keown went to Coolidge Baptist Church on Sunday morning, he did not expect the welcome that awaited him. His wife, Kathy, his family members, and the entire church family planned an event to celebrate a significant milestone. Sunday was a surprise celebration for 40 years in ministry. Continue reading

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