America – Heed the Warning

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”(Genesis 1:1) The opening words of the Bible lay a foundation on which all of mankind stands.

The account of God’s creation unfolds step by step. Everything was building toward this grand finale of the creation. God created man in the image of God.

Man was special. Man was unique. The description of man contains a characteristic unlike any other part of creation. “in our own image.” (Genesis 1:26) Man was stamped with the image of God. He was sanctified by God.

In this perfect environment, with a perfect couple, a tragic event took place. God’s perfect human beings, Adam and Eve, rejected God.

Instead of trusting in the abundant gifts of God in a perfect environment with a perfect relationship, they chose their own path. They violated the one rule that God gave.

With the fall of man, sin entered the world. Adam and Eve experienced fear and shame.

Their first child, Cain, demonstrated the pollution of sin and the fall. He experienced envy, jealousy, rage, and eventually killed his own brother.

When God handed down the 10 commandments, He included, “you shall not murder.” (Exodus 20:13) God gave life. His creation was to honor life and treat everyone with dignity and respect.

Even the social consciousness movement against bullying is not a new cultural improvement. God handed down the first directive against making fun of others? “You shall not curse a deaf man, nor place a stumbling block before the blind, but you shall revere your God; I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:14 NASB)

The Nation of Israel turned away from the one true God and chased after false philosophies. It led to a downward spiral of the nation that sunk to its lowest depth.

They sacrificed their own children. Their focus of attention was not on the gift of the lives of their children. Their focus was on themselves.

Things are no different today. The self-centered secular humanism has no moral absolutes. As a result, we have a nation that worships itself and fails to see the glaring inconsistency of its own behavior.

Imagine someone going on a famous talk show. Millions across the nation watch as the parents calmly talk with the host about their latest wonderful religious experience.

They vividly describe how they took their newborn baby into a decorated sanctuary. They bowed before a large statue. Then they turned and handed the infant child over to man dressed in a ceremonial robe.

The man lifted the child up high over his head and uttered words to the god he worshipped. He then placed the baby on a metal grate and turned a large valve. Natural gas freely flowed and then ignited beneath the child.

In seconds the metal grate changed to raging inferno. They reverently listened to the terrified screams of the baby until the screams finally fell to an eerie silence.

Imagine that conversation today before a live studio audience broadcast nationwide. The audience would be in shock and rage at such an event.

But then imagine a woman on the same show saying, “my body, my rights.” No, wait, we don’t have to imagine something like that. We see it every day. Her statement is usually followed by loud applause.

On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court ruled that the child in the mother’s womb is not a “person.” Therefore that child has no rights under the Constitution of the United States.

Since 1973 we have seen astounding advances in science and technology. The invention of the sonogram allows someone to learn of the gender of a child long before birth.

This has led to a new line of business for party and event planners. The “reveal party” now is a part of our culture where an expectant couple holds friends and family in suspense before revealing the gender of the baby, still months before birth.

We have a generation of children who grew up seeing sonogram images of little brother or sister. America’s plea of ignorance on the question of when life begins was weak in 1973. There is no basis for a plea of ignorance today.

The five year old brother standing in awe before the refrigerator looking first at his mother’s growing stomach and then at the sonogram image of his little sister taped to the refrigerator door instinctively knows better. We know better too, and we are accountable.

Just a matter of weeks ago, the state legislature in Ohio passed a bill that prohibited an abortion after the detection of a heartbeat in the baby. A heartbeat is a basic sign of life. Checking for a pulse is one of the immediate actions taken by a first responder at the scene of an accident.

Lawmakers in Ohio recognized that basic sign of life. They overwhelmingly passed a law recognizing that a child with a heartbeat had the right to live.

Governor John Kasich, a Republican, vetoed the bill. His reasoning relied on an outdated Supreme Court ruling.

Instead of standing for life and challenging the ruling, he unconditionally surrendered and vetoed the bill. Kasich claims to be pro-life. He ran as a pro-life candidate.

When it came down to it, Kasich thrust aside his trust and reliance in the infallible Supreme Ruler of the Universe. He bowed before black-robed fallible, human beings, and a terribly flawed ruling.

Each of the two major political parties have taken a clear position on an unborn child’s right to life. They published their positions in their campaign platforms for all to see.

The Democrats want to provide tax funding for abortion on demand. The Republican platform stands on the side of the child clearly stating “The unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed.”

Democrats also stand to defend the horrific practices of Planned Parenthood. “We will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers.” Republicans call for the defunding Planned Parenthood and “to make it a crime to acquire, transfer, or sell fetal tissues from elective abortions for research.”

As if mere killing was not enough, Planned Parenthood and other organizations determined that if they killed the baby in just the right manner, they could butcher the body and sell the parts to highest bidder. With every innocent life brutally dismembered, there is a terrified, helpless, cry from a child fighting for his or her very life.

Those cries fall on deaf human ears. Be assured that God is not deaf. The cries of the millions of innocent babies callously killed as if a sacrifice to a god of convenience rise to His throne of justice.

Our nation cannot continue down this path without consequence. The just and righteous Creator who watched over us and formed this nation of freedom is filled with grace beyond all measure. He is also a God of justice who will pour out His wrath.

God cares enough to warn those who make fun of a deaf or blind person. How much more does He have to say to a nation with the blood of over 60 million innocent lives on its hands?

Here is a clear warning. “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:31) America had best heed the warning.

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