Mother Lucille Shazier

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. (I Corinthians 13:12)

Photo of Vesta Beal Shepard with Lucille Shazier
Vesta Beal-Shephard with Mother Lucille Shazier

On Friday, May 13, 2022, Mother Lucille Shazier, after living 109 years in this world, stepped into eternity. She now sees Jesus face to face.

I met Mother Lucille Shazier in November 2019 after she had celebrated her 106th Thanksgiving with her family. My meeting her is one of the blessings in my life.

Mother Lucille shared the significant events of her life with me. (See 106 Thanksgivings) The most significant event with her was when she accepted Christ as a young child.

The Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians that in this life we see dimly, but one day we will see Jesus face to face. When Mother Lucille talked about when she met Jesus, it was as if it was face to face then. She said that she just hugged him because he was so real with her right then. If He was so real to her then, just imagine how it was when she literally saw Him face to face.

The last time we talked was in February 2020. Leslie and I were about to go to Panama for an Army reunion and we stopped by to tell her Happy Birthday before we left for the airport. Covid 19 showed up and I never had the chance to visit with her in person again.

We think of 109 years as a very long life, but in reality, it is the twinkling of an eye in light of eternity. The fact is that at some point you will take your final breath and your heart will beat its final beat.

Are you assured that you will see Him face to face and know Him fully? You can be certain.

When you, with a simple childlike faith, accept the full payment of Jesus Christ for your sin, then you can have that hope. I encourage you to read the story of Lucille Shazier and, if you have never received Christ, then accept Him today.

Mother Lucille’s funeral service will be on Saturday, May 21. Obituary and funeral arrangements are at the J.W. Williams Funeral Home web site.

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