Biden Opening Floodgates for Illegals

Democrat Presidential Candidate, Joe Biden joined his Socialistic counterparts this week with a shocking plan to provide free healthcare to illegal aliens. He said that American taxpayers are obligated to give healthcare.

“I think that anyone who is in a situation where they’re in need of healthcare, regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented, we have an obligation to see that they are cared for. That’s why I think we need more clinics around the country.”

The key phrase is “anyone who is in a situation where they’re in need.” The problem with this is who determines whether or not someone is “in need.”

It will be the person who shows up demanding the care. That is why hospital emergency rooms are visited by individuals with a runny nose.

In April, the Border Patrol stopped over 100,000 illegal aliens attempting to cross the border. That was 6% higher than March and the highest since 2007.

Democrats refuse to protect our borders. They put every conceivable roadblock in the President’s path to stop him from doing so. Democrats in Congress continue to insist that we do not need a wall while those who are risk their lives are stretched to the breaking point.

Confronting Democrats with their own words from several years ago when they were advocating support for border security, even for a wall, do not crack their consciences. Their hypocrisy has devoured any semblance of honesty like a blue whale consuming plankton.

It is evident that their hollow words for border security in the past were blatant lies. They had no intention of doing anything about border security then and neither do they today.

Democrats are encouraging this invasion of illegals. The organizers of these illegal border crossings know that our laws have loopholes that force the United States to release them. They organizers also know that if the Democrats win the Whitehouse in 2020, there will be some kind of amnesty.

It comes down to a matter of risk and reward. By refusing to support border security, Democrats send a message that the risk is low for illegal entry. Now, Joe Biden’s offer of free care for anyone who is “in need” maximizes the reward and opens the floodgates.

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