Trump Wins Again – Mexico Acts Positively

Have you ever been in the grocery store and seen a parent, let’s say a mother, with a small child, let’s say a 3 year old boy. The little boy spots a bright shiny package of candy. The mother says, “you can’t have that, you need to put it back.” You know that this will go one of two ways and what happens next will reveal it all. 

One path could be that the little boy says, “yes ma’am” and puts it back as they continue to shop. End of story. 

Well, I try to keep my commentary short, but this is a little too short. Nowadays, unless the boy is shopping with his retired Marine Drill Sergeant uncle, that ending is a rarity. 

Here is the path this story more likely takes. After hearing, “you need to put it back,” the boy tightens his grip on the shiny package of candy, pulls it close to his chest and turns away from his mother. The mother says, “you know that candy is not good for you, so let’s put it back.”Little boy, “No.”

The mother, while still pushing the buggy down the aisle farther away from the candy, says, “well, you know that will give you a tummy ache and you won’t be able to sleep.” She extends her open hand toward the little boy to receive the package of candy. The little boy turns even farther away from his mother, pulling the candy even closer to his chest. He answers, even a little louder this time, “No!” 

Still pushing the buggy down the aisle and rounding the corner to the next aisle, the mother says, “Now, I’m not going to tell you again, we’ll have to put the candy back. I’ll tell you what, I’ll get a nice little toy for you. Won’t you give me the candy?” The little boy now shouts as other customers in the store turn and look. “No! I want this!” 

Fortunately for the mother, she was finished loading her cart so she continues the conversation with her little boy as she strolls to the checkout line. “You are making me sad and your father will be disappointed in you. Please give me the box of candy.” The little boy holds the candy even closer and twists farther away from his mother with another louder shout, “No! I want this!” 

Just before going through the line, the mother stops the buggy and walks to face the little boy as he has twisted far away from her. Now things are really serious. “Give that package to me now. I’m going to count to three. ………. One ………. Two ……….

Moments later, you see the mother pushing the buggy with everything checked and paid for heading out the door. The little boy is happily eating the candy and holding on to the new toy that his mother bought for him. 

This describes negotiations with other countries by the United States in recent history. China has cheated the world in trade deals and everyone knew it. It might be unfair to China to call it cheating since they were just going as far as they could go. 

Iran and North Korea defiantly developed nuclear weapons. The Obama administration made a deal with Iran that was so bad, it makes the mother in the story above look like a stern disciplinarian. 

Mexico, opened their doors for a pipeline of illegal immigration to the United States. Democrats in Congress refuse to support our Border Patrol to protect our citizens. President Trump declared an emergency and is building the wall in spite of the Democrat opposition. 

Then, Trump played another card to stop the flow of illegals through Mexico to the US. He told Mexico to change their behavior and act in a positive, responsible fashion. In other words, “put the candy back.” 

For decades, Mexico and all of these countries acted like the little boy in the grocery store. During those decades, Democrats and Republicans took turns playing the role of the mother. Predictably, every drama ended with the little boy happily eating his candy and playing with his new toy as they left the store. 

This time, Donald Trump is pushing the buggy. This time he set forth expectations and clear consequences that would take effect on June 10.

The mainstream media exploded with doom and gloom. Democrats and Republicans reacted saying that his move was a blunder. Like the 10 spies that Moses sent to the Promised Land, they were saying , “we became like grasshoppers in our own sight.” (Numbers 13:33 NASB)

Mexico, on the other hand, knew that Donald Trump would do what he said he would do. It would hurt them worse than it hurt the United States. 

Mexico deployed 6,000 troops to their Southern border with Guatemala. They took steps to stop the wide-open pipeline. They agreed to do more in a speedy fashion. 

Once again, Donald Trump put America first. The swamp denizens were shouting the equivalent of passages from the 1950’s child rearing advice of Dr. Benjamin Spock. Trump just looked Mexico in the eye and said the equivalent of, “you need to put the candy back.” 

After over two years with President Trump, Mexico knew what was about to happen. They chose to behave in a positive fashion. They put the candy back. Trump wins again!

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Biden Opening Floodgates for Illegals

Democrat Presidential Candidate, Joe Biden joined his Socialistic counterparts this week with a shocking plan to provide free healthcare to illegal aliens. He said that American taxpayers are obligated to give healthcare.

“I think that anyone who is in a situation where they’re in need of healthcare, regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented, we have an obligation to see that they are cared for. That’s why I think we need more clinics around the country.”

The key phrase is “anyone who is in a situation where they’re in need.” The problem with this is who determines whether or not someone is “in need.”

It will be the person who shows up demanding the care. That is why hospital emergency rooms are visited by individuals with a runny nose.

In April, the Border Patrol stopped over 100,000 illegal aliens attempting to cross the border. That was 6% higher than March and the highest since 2007.

Democrats refuse to protect our borders. They put every conceivable roadblock in the President’s path to stop him from doing so. Democrats in Congress continue to insist that we do not need a wall while those who are risk their lives are stretched to the breaking point.

Confronting Democrats with their own words from several years ago when they were advocating support for border security, even for a wall, do not crack their consciences. Their hypocrisy has devoured any semblance of honesty like a blue whale consuming plankton.

It is evident that their hollow words for border security in the past were blatant lies. They had no intention of doing anything about border security then and neither do they today.

Democrats are encouraging this invasion of illegals. The organizers of these illegal border crossings know that our laws have loopholes that force the United States to release them. They organizers also know that if the Democrats win the Whitehouse in 2020, there will be some kind of amnesty.

It comes down to a matter of risk and reward. By refusing to support border security, Democrats send a message that the risk is low for illegal entry. Now, Joe Biden’s offer of free care for anyone who is “in need” maximizes the reward and opens the floodgates.

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President Trump’s Compromise

Friday afternoon, President Trump announced that he would sign a bill to fund the government for three more weeks and end the government shutdown. He accepted the Democrat proposal to first open the government and then they will discuss the President’s request for border security.

It was evident on the President’s face that this was not something he wanted to do. He knew that the headlines would be, “Trump Caves.”

President Trump did not cave. He compromised. There is a big difference.

A cave is when one party gives in without fighting to win on their position. They may talk a great deal but do not put up a fight because they never intended to put up a fight.

A compromise on the other hand is when both parties come to an agreement to resolve an issue. Both parties come out of the deal with something and both parties give up something.

President Trump’s position was to fund the government and include border security provisions with physical barriers, commonly referred to as a wall. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer said, no wall.

Both made small concessions along the way. Trump’s recommendation changed from wall to steel slats that allowed border guards to see through to the other side. He later threw in provisions to address the issue of children who had been brought to the United States illegally by their parents.

Pelosi and Schumer softened their position from “no wall” to a short term bill of a few weeks to open the government. During that period, they assured the President that there would be serious and meaningful bi-partisan discussions to fund border security.

The President had serious reservations about Democrats actually operating in good faith. He did not want to play the role of Charlie Brown to have Lucy (Pelosi and Schumer) snatch the football away again.

President Trump knew that the shutdown was putting a financial strain on impacted federal employees. The strain was showing, particularly in air travel.

During the shutdown, President Trump has been talking with members of Congress. Some meetings were well publicized while many were out of the limelight.

His statement below summarizes the spirit of the compromise.

After 36 days of spirited debate and dialogue, I have seen and heard from enough Democrats and Republicans that they are willing to put partisanship aside, I think, and put the security of the American people first. I do believe they are going to do that.

They have said they are for complete border security and they have finally and fully acknowledged that having barriers, fences, or walls or whatever you want to call it, will be an important part of the solution. A bipartisan conference committee of House and Senate lawmakers and leaders will immediately begin reviewing the requests of our homeland security experts, and experts they are, and also law enforcement professionals who have worked with us so closely.

The key in this statement is the agreement to have a bipartisan conference committee. A conference committee is generally formed after the House and Senate pass a bill with slight differences. The conference committee meets to work out the differences and present the same bill to both chambers for final approval.

The bipartisan makeup of the committee means that Democrats and Republicans will both be at the same table talking with each other. They will not be talking at each other via 30 second sound bites.

The address was originally scheduled for 1:00 pm last Friday. It was almost 2:30 before the President spoke. That delay indicates that he was working on this address, probably making phone calls, and finalizing agreements up until the last minute.

President Trump wanted a bill that included funding for a wall. He believed that he could strike some agreement to get it done.

Democrat leadership refused to talk. As time went on, the focus of attention turned more and more to the impact of the government shutdown and away from the crisis at the border.

The President decided to eat humble pie. He agreed to the appeals he was hearing from both sides to open the government. The compromise agreement is in the best interest of all Americans.

President Trump displayed leadership in fighting for his position. He displayed leadership by taking action to move the issue forward. He displayed statesmanship by putting trust in both parties to work together on a conference committee in good faith.

President Trump kept his part of the agreement. Within hours of giving his address, the President signed the bill to give full back pay and put federal workers back to work.

Furloughed federal workers are no longer an issue. Now, the issue is solely on border security and funding a wall to address the crisis on our Southern border.

The President recognizes the process that the Founding Fathers built into our constitutional government. Technically, the President could declare a national emergency and act unilaterally.

He believes that Congress should recognize the crisis at the Southern Border. They should acknowledge the crisis by funding border security.

The President has done his part. Now, it is in the hands of Congress. President Trump did not cave. He compromised. There is a big difference.

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The Shutdown, Charlie Brown, Lucy, and Football

Peanuts is an American classic. One of the ordeals for Charlie Brown is his repeated misplaced trust in Lucy holding the football for kickoff. 

Time after time, Lucy assures Charlie that she will hold the football. Charlie hesitates because she always pulls the football away. 

Finally, Charlie again trusts Lucy and races forward to kick the ball. At the last split second, Lucy snatches the ball out of the way. Charlie flips backwards through the air, landing on his back with a thud.

In some ways this is a good analogy of what is going on between the Democrats and President Trump in the government shutdown. 

The latest proposals from the Democrats provide for opening the government for two or three weeks. During the two or three weeks, the Democrats promise that they will make an honest and diligent effort to consider the President’s request for border security. 

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, called on the President to postpone his State of the Union address. It is scheduled for January 29. She wants him to wait until the government is reopened. 

She also suggested that he deliver it in writing rather than a televised address to the American people. Her request is understandable given her poor performance with Chuck Schumer in their response to President Trump’s Whitehouse address on border security. 

So far, the President is not buying it. He is standing firm. 

Democrats are playing the role of Lucy. They promise that if President Trump will sign a bill to fund the government for just two or three weeks, they can work things out.

The script assures us that Charlie Brown will finally trust Lucy. There is a big difference this time. President Trump is not Charlie Brown. 

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Dear Congressman Bishop

Last Wednesday I called my Congressman, Sanford Bishop, Democrat, 2nd District of Georgia. I left a simple message with his kind receptionist. 

“Part ways with Nancy Pelosi and represent your district by funding the President’s request. If you have not called, will you take a moment to do that? 202-225-3631. 

Earlier this morning, I also sent the following message. 

Dear Congressman Bishop,

Represent your constituents. Part ways with Nancy Pelosi. Cross the aisle, and vote to secure the borders and reopen the government.

In his address to the American people, President Trump said that this entire shut down could be resolved in 45 minutes with sincere negotiation. 

Thus far the Democrats have been hypocritical. If you insist on listening to and voting as Nancy Pelosi directs, then you, too, will be hypocritical. 

For years politicians on both sides of the aisle have talked about the need for stronger border security. I have read statement after statement from Presidents and leaders from both parties, including the the present Democrat leadership that you are following.

You know that some of those crossing the border are ruthless and merciless criminals. They bring innocent victims along with them.

Reports are that one third of the women who are on caravans to try to illegally cross the open border are victims of horrendous rape and sexual assault along the way. 

Statistics like this indicate that many of the people funding and leading these caravans are not humanitarians helping families seek the American dream. Rather it reveals that these are criminals callously treating women and children as mere commodities in modern day slavery and sex trafficking. 

Now you are inflicting even more pain by allowing the government to shut down. As I write you, federal employees are due a paycheck. It won’t come today.

President Trump said that he would own the shutdown. He may own the shutdown, but you own the solution. 

You voted for the Secure Fence Act when President George W. Bush asked for it. Chuck Schumer voted for it. Today, when the crisis at the border is even worse, you suddenly make a 180 degree turn. Why? 

It is not because of policy. Border security is an American issue, not a party issue.

It is not a funding question. I have not heard one word asking what to cut in order to fund the request.

There is only one reason for the sudden change. It is a political issue to keep President Trump from fulfilling a campaign promise. This is childish behavior. 

Even more childish, it is a personality issue about Donald Trump himself. It is time to put away childish behavior.

It is time for you listen to your constituents. It is time to part ways with Nancy Pelosi. It is time to cross the aisle.  

Vote to secure the borders, and reopen the government.

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