Show Trials, Freedom, and Kudzu

Her words were reminiscent of a forced confession and apology to the benevolent Communist Chinese government. Her chilling statement; however, was not made in Beijing. It was made in a United States Courtroom in Washington, DC.

The US District Court in Washington, DC handed down the first sentence for the January 6, 2021 US Capitol protest. Judge Royce Lamberth sentenced Anna Morgan-Lloyd to three years probation, 40 hours of community service, and $500 restitution after her guilty plea for illegally demonstrating in the United States Capitol.

Morgan-Lloyd made a statement to the court that she was,

“ashamed that something meant to show support for the President had turned violent. ….At first it didn’t dawn on me, but later I realized that if every person like me, who wasn’t violent, was removed from that crowd, the ones who were violent may have lost the nerve to do what they did. For that I am sorry and take responsibility. It was never my intent to help empower people to act violently.”

Page 11, Case 1:21-cr-00164-RCL US v Anna Morgan-Lloyd

Think through what she is saying. In the first place this is not an apology for the crime she committed. She cannot take responsibility and apologize for the actions of others.

The second, and more chilling, perspective is the implication that if she were not in the crowd, then maybe the assault on the capitol would not have happened. So, she is sorry and takes responsibility for helping “empower people to act violently.”

Her statement blurs the 1st Amendment Constitutional “right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” She intentionally entered the capitol, knowing that it had been closed. She was guilty of trespassing, but it appears that she said that if she had not been at the protest, then this may not have taken place.

Follow that logic to its conclusion. If there is a protest and someone commits a crime in the area, then the crime is the fault of the protesters.

If I want to shift the focus of attention away from the issues raised by the protesters, there is a simple solution. Hire some thugs to create havoc. Then lump all the protesters in the category of radical, violent, militants. That is exactly what Democrats and the main stream media did with January 6, 2021.

As icing on the cake, her statement, inserted the required politically correct, woke, racial language.

In her plea, Morgan-Lloyd said that she’d learned from her actions and had been given a list of books and movies by her attorney, H. Heather Shaner, which were meant to help her “see what life is like for others in our country.”

“I’ve learned that even though we live in a wonderful country, things still need to improve,” Morgan-Lloyd wrote. “People of all colors should feel as safe as I do to walk down the street.”

Epoch Times,, June 24, 2021

There is no connection between the crime she committed and “what life is like for others.” If she felt a personal need to better understand our diverse melting pot, then that is all well.

It has nothing to do with the crime she committed. It has as much place in these court documents as a commitment to floss her teeth daily and see the dentist twice a year.

In China, Russia, Venezuela, and other totalitarian, communist, countries, they send dissidents to re-education camps. Between the blurring of the 1st Amendment and an appeal to her wokeness, this apology is basically re-education camp home-school style.

Your freedom is precious. You need to understand that there are those who will rob you of your freedom.

kudzu growing under powerline
Kudzu spreading across countryside. Photo by Eleanor Rigby

The assault on freedom begins with tiny steps. Like creeping kudzu, the minuscule advances seem insignificant, almost invisible at first. Then, as if overnight, it has swallowed everything in its path.

A misdemeanor plea with an apology letter appears to be a routine matter. That routine apology letter quietly carries the seeds of totalitarianism that could cover and strangle our freedom.

Open your eyes and see it spreading all around us. We must stand up and stop it before it is too late.

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