Democrats Vote to Impeach

Democrats tonight voted along straight party lines to impeach President Trump. They do not appreciate the gravity of their act. 

My congressman, Sanford Bishop, voted to impeach. Georgia’s 2nd District is generally viewed as a safe district for a Democrat. The idea of a safe district leads to complacency and an aura of invincibility.

Democrats will have no record of accomplishment. They will have no record of bi-partisan work for the good of the people. The only thing they will have is three years of endless accusation concluding with a kangaroo court. 

 They have presumed on the power of incumbency. They take certain voters for granted. Their entire campaign is built on an expectation that voters in certain categories will automatically vote Democrat. 

Next November many voters will not mark their ballot for a Democrat. Some, for the first time ever, will mark their ballot for a Republican.

This impeachment vote may very well accomplish what Republicans have been unable to do for more than a century in some districts. Democrats do not appreciate the gravity of their act. They will next November. 

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