Early Voting Now

I will keep this one short and to the point. If you have a primary runoff election in your area, go vote.

Early voting starts today in runoff elections. I encourage everyone to go vote as early as you can.

Turnout for runoff elections is notoriously low. There are not as many races on the ballot so there is far less campaign activity.

People are generally thinking more about vacation, baseball, cookouts, and cutting grass than voting. Some estimate that the turnout for this runoff could be 1/3 of the turnout in the primary.

In effect, when you go vote, your vote will be 3 times as powerful in a runoff than it was in the earlier election.

If you are in the 2nd Congressional District, I ask you to vote for Chris West for Congress in the Republican runoff. In my last email I laid out my reasoning for support for Chris. Read it here.

Your vote counts unless you never cast it. Go vote today and make it count.

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