How I am Voting

First, let me thank everyone who asked how we did through the hurricane. We were very fortunate. No trees down and no damage to our house. A light pole and part of our fence blew down.

Many others in Southwest Georgia were not as fortunate and many are still without power. Farmers were hit hard. Continue to pray for those impacted by Hurrican Michael.

Early voting is going on for the next two weeks. Your vote is vital in this election and I encourage early voting. There is no reason to risk something happening that could keep you from voting so go vote.

I have been asked about ballot questions. In a nutshell, I voted yes for the Constitutional amendments and the referendum questions.

Amendment 1 – Creates the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Trust Fund – This is basically a designated fund using 80% of sales tax revenues collected from sporting goods stores to fund outdoor stewardship programs. Currently the funds go to the general fund and then the legislature goes through the appropriation process. This designates the funds for the specific purpose. In order for the legislature to use the funds for any other purpose, it must do so specifically. I vote yes.

Amendment 2 – State-Wide Business Court – my initial leaning was no. Currently the Superior Courts handle business related cases along with criminal, family law, and others. This establishes a court specifically for business related matters. Judges are appointed for 5 year terms and the legislature establishes the jurisdiction of the courts. Business law issues and litigations are complex and would benefit from courts focusing on business issues. I vote Yes.

Amendment 3 – Forest Land Conservation Use Property for Ad Valorem Taxation Purposes. This amendment allows the legislature to establish a new category of property for the purposes of property taxes. The new category would be known as “qualified timberland property.” The owner of qualified timberland property would enter into a conservation agreement. The value of timber of on the property would still be taxed at fair market value. I vote Yes.

Amendment 4 – Victim Rights – This constitutional amendment is currently in general law. The amendment would make it more difficult for the legislature to change the current victim rights law. The amendment focuses on the rights of victims of crimes to, upon request, be notified of scheduled court proceedings, arrest or release of an accused perpetrator, the right to be heard in court proceedings, and the right to not be excluded from court proceedings. This is already in law and the amendment elevates it to a state constitutional right. I vote Yes.

Amendment 5 – Authorizing Referendum for a Sales and Use Tax for Education. This amendment is focused on counties that have multiple school districts. A single district or combination of districts having a majority of students in the county may vote to call for a referendum for a 1 percent sales tax for education. If the referendum passes, the taxes collected would be distributed to all school districts based on a per student basis unless the school districts in the county reached a different agreement. This amendment provides for a simple formula for calling for a referendum and distributing the funds. I vote Yes.

Referendum Issue 1 – Homestead Exemption for Certain Municipalities. This referendum applies only to the City of Atlanta. My first reaction was an automatic No to anything for the City of Atlanta. However, this referendum could more accurately be called the Atlanta Home Owner Protection Act. It is about the home owners in the City of Atlanta, not the politicians. So, to my Atlanta friends, take note of this and remember before you criticize rural Georgia. If this passes, it was those of us in rural Georgia that had your back as a homeowner in Atlanta. I vote Yes.

Referendum Issue 2 – Exemption of Ad Valorem for Non Profit Homes for Mentally Disabled. Homes for the mentally disabled owned by individuals or non-profit organizations are currently exempt from property taxes. This referendum question focuses on financing for construction or renovation. This allows a private home for mentally disabled that is already exempt to maintain its exemption when the ownership is placed in an LLC for the purposes of financing improvements in the home. After improvements are completed and paid, the home would revert back to the private ownership. Without approval of this referendum question, the LLC would not be eligible for the exemption and be taxed. This for all practical purposes would force closure of the home and require the mentally disabled occupants to move out of their home to another location. This referendum issue allows a broader capability of financing. I vote Yes.

That is how I voted on these questions. My primary focus in this election is to defeat every Democrat and elect every Republican. So, if you have not voted – Go Vote Republican.

Signature-Donald E. Cole

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