I Stand With Governor Kemp

Governor Kemp announced that he chose conservative businesswoman Kelly Loeffler to replace Johnny Isakson as Georgia’s Senator until the 2020 special election. I have absolute trust in Governor Kemp and I stand with him in making this selection.

So many of us worked hard for him because we trusted him. Trust does not mean that I trust him as long as he does what I want him too. Trust means that I rely on his judgment. 

This was a major decision and there were plenty of great choices. The decision was his to make because we elected him to make those kinds of decisions. 

I do not know soon-to-be Senator Kelly Loeffler. I do know Brian Kemp, so I do not have to know Kelly Loeffler. I do not have to know any of those whose names came to him. 

I am sure that Governor Kemp would have welcomed any suggestions that I might have offered, (I did not offer any) but I would never have felt that he was obligated to take any suggestion from me or anyone else. 

I would not feel that he was obligated because he was not obligated. I did not help elect him to be obligated to me, I helped elect him because I trust him. 

When Kelly Loeffler’s name came up, I started seeing e-mails and social media calling on me to call the Governor and demand that he not choose her. That is not the way to get anything accomplished. 

I wonder if those sending the e-mails around and forwarding to others know all the factors that Governor Kemp weighed. Do they even know or have they even met Kelly Loeffler?

It was disturbing to see her referred to as a RINO, left wing, supporter of Planned Parenthood. It was especially disturbing to see those same labels attached to Governor Kemp and portraying him as some kind of Benedict Arnold or Judas. 

This really goes to a grassroots issue here. One of the reasons it is sometimes hard to get people involved is because they don’t want to be crucified – and not by the left wing. Tragically, Republicans are known for shooting our own. 

There will be a special election in November 2020. Kelly Loeffler, although technically an incumbent, has a big challenge ahead of her. 

In 1971, Senator Richard Russell, Jr. died while in office and Governor Jimmy Carter appointed David Gambrell who had never been elected to office. He was Chairman of the Georgia Democrat party. A little upstart from Perry by the name of Sam Nunn ran for office and won.   

In July 2000, Senator Paul Coverdell died while in office and Governor Roy Barnes appointed Zell Miller. Miller won in a special election in November of that year. 

The difference between Gambrell and Miller is that Zell Miller had won statewide elections multiple times including two terms as Governor. The people of Georgia will make the final decision on Kelly Loeffler.

Who else will be running? We do not know. As for me, I trust Governor Kemp so his choice carries a lot of weight for me.  I am willing to wait, watch, and see. 

Kelly Loeffler has taken on some big challenges. This could be her biggest. I believe that she will prove that Governor Kemp made an excellent choice and the people of Georgia will be glad that he chose as he did.

The ball is in her court now. Let’s see how she plays it. 

Merry Christmas! 

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