We Are Tired of It

We are tired of it. Georgians who call themselves people of faith, for the most part Christian evangelicals, are tired of it. We are tired of being labeled as hateful, prejudiced, and a host of other insults thrown at us by a minority in our state. The same ones who shout for open mindedness and diversity display close-minded, hypocritical behavior. We are tired of it.

We are tired of hearing big business and the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce raise Continue reading

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Muslims in Kennesaw

The Kennesaw City Council turned down an application from the Suffa Dawat Center to operate a prayer center in an area zoned for retail business. Several months ago in another area, the city approved similar application for a church. A city spokesperson said that the other area was zoned differently.

I oppose the decision of the city of Kennesaw. Yes, you read that correctly. Continue reading

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Paradox in Pennsylvania

He was a trained, skilled, professional. His job was to help people with problems. He was well respected.

He carried a secret. Some of those around him knew his secret but they stayed silent about it. If he had been found out, he could have lost his job and even his very career. It could lead to an ethics investigation, possibly even criminal charges.

What was his secret? Continue reading

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