Review of Bobby Jindal Announcement Speech

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal became the 13th Republican to announce his candidacy for President. He made his announcement speech on June 24, 2015 at the Pontchartrain Center in Kenner, Louisiana.

He took one sentence of five words to introduce himself, “My name is Bobby Jindal” and in his second sentence he announced his candidacy. “I am governor of the great state of Louisiana, and I’m running for President of the greatest country in the world, the United States of America!”

His opening two sentences provide some insight into Jindal’s approach. He doesn’t waste words, gets to the point, and goes to work. Continue reading

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Review of Donald Trump Announcement Speech

Donald Trump was the 12th Republican candidate to announce. He made his announcement speech on June 16, 2015 at Trump Tower in New York, New York.

He opened his speech comparing his opening event to some of the other announcements. “They didn’t know the air conditioner didn’t work. They sweated like dogs. They didn’t know the room was too big because they didn’t have anybody there. How are they going to beat ISIS?”

He said that our country is in serious trouble because we don’t have victories anymore. He gave examples of China, Japan, and Mexico. He asked, “When was the last time you saw a Chevrolet in Tokyo?” Continue reading

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Review of Jeb Bush Announcement Speech

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush became the 11th Republican announcing his candidacy. He made the announcement on June 15, 2015 at Miami-Dade College in Miami, Florida.

He opened his speech with a brief word of welcome and incorporated into the welcome a few words that signaled his approach to his campaign.

“You know, I always feel welcome at Miami-Dade College. This is a place that welcomes everyone with their hearts set on the future. A place where hope leads to achievement and striving leads to success. For all of us, it is just the place to be in the campaign that begins today.” Continue reading

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Review of George Pataki Announcement Speech

George Pataki announced his run for President in Exeter, New Hampshire on May 28, 2015. He opened his speech thanking those who were attending, those who had elected him as Governor three times, and then gave a greeting in Spanish.

Pataki defeated three term incumbent New York Governor Mario Cuomo in the 1994 Republican Revolution. He was subsequently elected for two more terms, serving three terms as Governor of New York. Continue reading

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Review of Rick Perry Announcement Speech

Rick Perry announced his candidacy for President in Addison, Texas on Thursday, June 4, 2015. He gave his speech surrounded by a host of veterans including Navy Seals, Marcus and Morgan Luttrell. Marcus is the author of the book, Lone Survivor. Also on the stage was Taya Kyle, the widow of the late Chris Kyle, best known as the American Sniper.

Perry served as Governor of Texas for 14 years. The moment for which he may be best known in Presidential politics is the “oops” moment at one of the Presidential debates in the last election when he lost his train of thought. There was no “oops” moment in this speech.

He has had four years to prepare for another run and it is clear that he has used that time wisely. Although he never mentioned the name Ronald Reagan in his speech, there were more than a few subliminal references. Continue reading

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Review of Rick Santorum Announcement Speech

Rick Santorum announced his candidacy on May 27 at Penn United Technologies Inc. in Cabot, Pennsylvania. He introduced his family on the stage with specific mention of two children.

The first was their daughter, Bella, who had just celebrated her 7th birthday. Bella was born with a condition known as Trisomy 18 and was not expected to live beyond her first year. You may recall that in the 2012 Republican primary season, Santorum cancelled campaign events in Florida when Bella was admitted to the hospital and was not expected to live. Continue reading

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Review of Carly Fiorina Announcement Speech

Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett Packard, announced her candidacy for the Presidency on May 4 via a YouTube Video. She gave her first public speech after the announcement at the South Carolina Freedom Summit in Greenville, South Carolina on May 9.

I had only heard of Carly Fiorina but knew little other than she was the CEO of Hewlett Packard. Her speech was the last on the agenda of a weekend packed with speakers. She spoke for approximately 25 minutes. For those who waited until the end, they found that Carly Fiorina was worth the wait. She spoke with the conviction of another Margaret Thatcher.She opened her speech on the offensive against Hillary Clinton.

“Like Hillary Clinton, I too, am running for President of the United States. But unlike Hillary Clinton, I am not afraid to answer questions about my track record or my accomplishments.” Continue reading

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Review of Mike Huckabee Announcement Speech

Mike Huckabee is the first candidate to announce who has also served as a Governor. He held his announcement on May 5 in his home town of Hope, Arkansas. The theme of the event was titled, “From Hope to Higher Ground.” It was not only a reference to humble beginnings in small town America but also a platform to contrast the false hope of Obama to real hope. The entire event lasted a little over an hour with his speech lasting about 30 minutes.

He began his speech with remembrances of growing up in Hope, Arkansas. He made reference to the American dream by saying that he was “raised to believe that where a person started didn’t mean that is where he had to stop.” Continue reading

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Review of Ben Carson Announcement Speech

Note: This is the fourth review of Presidential announcement speeches.  I plan to summarize review all of the speeches for the Republican candidates for President.

Dr. Ben Carson burst on the American political scene with his message at the National Prayer Breakfast on February 7, 2013. Before that message, he was a well known neurosurgeon, famous for a miraculous operation separating twins conjoined at the back of their heads.

After the prayer breakfast, his message went viral. Within days, people across the nation were urging him to run for President. Continue reading

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Review of Marco Rubio Announcement Speech

Yesterday Florida Senator Marco Rubio gave a speech announcing his candidacy for the President. He is the third Republican to announce and also the third candidate who is closely aligned with the Tea Party movement.

It is significant to stop and look at the impact of conservative Americans who formed small groups around the country and made an impact. Less than 7 years ago, after the election of Barack Obama as President, Americans who had not been involved in political activity, decided to get involved. Continue reading

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