GOP State Party Chair

On Saturday morning February 11, the 2017 cycle for the Georgia Republican party began with precinct caucuses in the counties with population over 80,000. Later that day four announced candidates for the State Party Chairman met at a forum in Dahlonega to present their vision and answer questions about their plans and priorities.

The announced candidates are Alex Johnson, Michael McNeely, John Watson, and Mike Welsh. Todd Rehm editor of moderated the event. It lasted a little over one hour.

The event was very informative and positive. Each candidate presented what he believes the state party needs and how he best meets that need. Between now and the state convention, there will be more opportunities to hear from each one. Delegates to the state convention will be elected at the County Conventions next month. The officers for the State Party are elected by the delegates to the state convention. Continue reading

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An Appeal to Georgians Who Vote Democrat

I know Georgians who vote Democrat.  Some come from a Labor Union background. Many are African-American. Some are elderly Caucasians who loved Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The common denominator is that they are fed the line that Republicans are greedy, uncaring, and out of touch with the common people. That is a false caricature.  The truth is that the Democrat party is not the party of the common man. It took a sharp detour from that path long ago.  Continue reading

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The Deception of Unity

Following every election candidates, both winning and losing, make statements about being united as Americans. They say that it is now time to unite as one for the common good.

In past elections, even when Republicans won, it appeared that they were more concerned about the appearance of “unity” than the principles on which they ran to get elected. There is a dangerous deception in the calls for unity. Most often those calls are from the media and Democrats. They are loudest when Republicans win. Continue reading

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Who Will Fill the Void?

Who will fill the void? The language and tone of the political season has deteriorated to a repugnant cesspool. Most of us grew up being taught the value of good manners, treating others with respect, and having humility.

Name calling and making fun of others was a punishable offense. So, it is understandable to hear people wish for the campaign season to be over. They just want the conflict to finally end for a season at least. Continue reading

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The Presidency is Not a Celebrity Reality Show

The American culture is infatuated with celebrities. We can text our vote for contestants on Dancing With the Stars. Reality shows abound filled with interpersonal conflicts and drama.

This cultural shift spills over into the political process. The mainstream media focuses on the latest Twitter message and who got offended. As a result political coverage sounds more like a kindergarten playground with shrill cries of, “Did not.” “Did too.” Continue reading

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Steadily Increasing Federal Debt

The Congressional Budget Office released its 2016 Long Term Budget Outlook today. The one sentence summary is devastating.

If current laws remained generally unchanged, the United States would face steadily increasing federal budget deficits and debt over the next 30 years—reaching the highest level of debt relative to GDP ever experienced in this country.

Even more troubling is to read the one sentence summary from prior years. Continue reading

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Voting Time Again – My Endorsements – Congress and a Local Race

Early voting for the primary run-off elections starts today. In a local Crisp County run-off I am voting for and supporting Amber Holloway for Judge of Probate Court.

In the 3rd Congressional District, I endorse Mike Crane for Congress. I don’t live in the 3rd so I can not vote for him. I encourage those who can to vote for him.

Ted Cruz, Senator Josh McKoon, and many conservative organizations including Georgia Carry, the NRA, Club for Growth, Senate Conservative Fund, Freedom Works, and Tea Continue reading

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With a Firm Reliance on Divine Providence

On Monday, we will celebrate the 240th birthday of the United States. It is far more than just the anniversary of an event in time. The opening words and the closing words of the Declaration of Independence have a powerful message for us today.

“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them….”

Our nation began, not by beseeching King George to give us freedom, but by boldly Continue reading

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This is Why We are Sick of the National Media


Sign Up for Note From Don Cole

The national media is once again expressing faux outrage and taking statements out of context. Down here in South Georgia we call it “pitchin a hissy fit.” This time it is over a passage of Scripture quoted by David Perdue at the Faith and Freedom Convention.

Perdue said that we should pray for President Obama. Then he quoted a portion of Psalm Continue reading

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