Democrats, Gorsuch, and the “Little Guy”

I watched some of the Gorsuch confirmation hearings yesterday. Democrats were clearly playing the class warfare card. This was a strategy revealed before the hearings even began. Hawaii Senator Mazie Hirono summed it up with her statement:

“I have not seen that the rights of minorities are a priority for you. In fact, a pattern jumps out at me, you rarely seem to find in favor of the ‘little guy.’”

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There Will Not Be A Nuclear Option

I think that every pundit on television is fixated on the Nuclear Option for the confirmation of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch.  Even President Trump himself openly encouraged Senator McConnell to use it if he had to.

One statement that I keep hearing is that under the current Senate rules it will take 60 votes.  That is somewhat misleading.  When the Senate opens debate on the confirmation, it takes 60 votes to end the debate.  If one Senator wanted to filibuster, the debate would continue until 60 Senators voted to end the debate and proceed with the vote. Continue reading

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