Democrat Houses of Cards Are About to Collapse

Monday, September 17, 2018 will be recorded as a bad day for Democrats. They have built houses of cards that are about to collapse.

First, the accusation of Brett Kavanaugh. It began to break before the weekend from Senator Dianne Feinstein of a serious report of an anonymous incident by a person who wished to remain anonymous.

Senator Feinstein had the information since July but never said anything about it until the hearings were over. That alone proves her disingenuous intent.

By Monday the accuser was identified as Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Her story was that when she was around 15 years old, she was at party and 17 year old Brett Kavannaugh attempted to force himself upon her in one of the bedrooms.

She also identified a second person, Mark Judge, who she said was in the room with them. She could not remember the location or the year it allegedly happened. She did not tell anyone or report the incident to anyone at the time.

The named witness, Mark Judge, said the story was, “absolutely nuts.” He said that he never saw Brett Kavanaugh act that way.

Judge Kavanaugh emphatically denied the story. Sixty five women who know Judge Kavanaugh immediately prepared and signed a letter defending him and his reputation.

Initially, the accusation appeared that it would derail Kavanaugh’s nomination. As the day went on; however, more and more questions arose.

While Dr. Ford initially said that she did not want to come forward, we learned that she hired a lawyer and took a lie detector test last August. She also deleted all of her social media accounts shortly before the weekend.

The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing for Monday, September 24. Senators want to hear testimony from Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh.

Here is what I think will happen. Dr. Ford will find a reason not to show up. She will claim that the stress is too great. Democrats will cry for another extension.

If, she does happen to come forward to testify under oath, Democrats will spin any questioning of her story as a personal attack on her. Their hope is that women will be so outraged at the supposed unfair treatment that they will turn out in droves at the polls in the mid-terms.

I believe that the opposite will happen. The Democrats believe they can motivate the female voters by telling them that they are victims and conservatives want to keep them as victims.

Democrats say, “We will protect you but Republicans are protecting your abusers.” Democrats will spin any tale and believe that women as a group will mindlessly follow their propaganda.

Democrats do the same with race. They present themselves as the saviors of African-Americans. Any African-American who may choose to think differently is castigated.

The accusation against Kavanaugh is a page out of the playbook in the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Thomas also was accused of sexual misconduct with no proof.

In a powerful speech to the Senate Judiciary Committee, he called it a “high tech lynching for upity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves.”  (This 30 second video from his speech sums it up)

The traditional Democrat voting blocks are not mindless sheep aimlessly following party leaders with blind trust. Many are individuals who have, in the past, placed their trust and confidence in what their Democrat leaders have to say.

That is changing. They are beginning to question and they are starting to feel that they are being presumed upon, taken for granted, and insulted.

That leads to the second thing that happened on Monday. President Trump ordered the declassification of the FISA warrants, FBI memos, and text messages that led to the appointment of a Special Counsel.

These documents are expected to show that the FBI withheld evidence from the FISA court. Their sole purpose was to secure the warrants to spy on Americans.

Our own government agents colluded to violate the Constitutional rights of innocent Americans. Unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats executed a plan that they thought would force the elected President from office. It did not work.

The traditional Democrat block vote is fracturing. Now, the Democrat houses of cards are about to come tumbling down.

Over the next few weeks, the evidence of evil, not just partisan political combat, but pure, unadulterated evil, will be dragged from the corners of darkness and and be revealed under the bright light of truth. The American people will rise up again. They will march to the polls and again reaffirm our great nation.

Signature-Donald E. Cole

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