They Were Supposed to Quit

They were supposed to quit. It didn’t happen. A few hours from now, the Senate will be voting on the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. According to the Democrat playbook, this vote was never supposed to take place.

It worked for them in the past. This time something happened to the Republicans in the Senate and the Democrats do not know what to do.

The strategy was simple. Even before the nomination, Democrats announced opposition because the nominee was out of the main stream. It did not matter who the nominee was. It did not matter what the nominee’s record was. Whoever the nominee was, would be too far to the right.

Added to that the Democrats pointed to the upcoming mid-term elections and invoked the Merrick Garland case from 2016. The fact that President Trump asked for conservative think tanks to help him identify candidates gave Democrats even more ammunition.

By the time the confirmation hearings began, the mainstream media was already saturated with stories of how Kavanaugh did not fit with mainstream America. This was followed by calls from Democrat leadership for the President to withdraw his nomination and submit another nominee who could be confirmed by both sides of the aisle in a bi-partisan manner that would make America proud.

In the past, Democrats were successful with this strategy. Democrats could always find a few Republicans who appeared to be most concerned about what the mainstream media talking heads said about them. They would wring their hands in anguish at the division and contention. These Republicans were quick to chastise both sides in general terms but generally only pointed the finger at fellow Republicans in specific terms.

This time it was not working. President Trump supported his nominee and Kavanaugh indicated that he intended to stay.

The hearings ended and Democrats saw that confirmation was likely unless something drastic happened to derail the vote. Senator Dianne Feinstein had been holding a letter from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford alleging that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted and attempted to rape her when they were in high school.

While only a few Democrats and no Republicans knew about the letter, somehow it was mysteriously leaked to the press. Kavanaugh immediately asked to testify again to clear his name and meanwhile more reports started flowing in.

Democrats cried that the seriousness of the allegations made him unfit. They demanded investigations to get to the truth. Of course, the investigations could take months or years. They called on the President to clear the cloud, withdraw Kavanaugh, and submit another nominee.

The Judiciary Committee scheduled a hearing for Ford and Kavanaugh to testify. Judge Kavanaugh gave a powerful statement of his innocence. Democrats pressed for a thorough FBI investigation.

When it was time to vote, Republican Jeff Flake said that he would vote yes to send it to the floor of the Senate but stipulated that he wanted the FBI to do another background investigation related to this allegation. He said that it should be done in a week.

The additional week gave the Democrats more time to oppose the confirmation. When it became increasingly clear that there was zero evidence to corroborate any of the allegations, the argument turned to judicial temperament.

Democrats provided talking points and paid protesters flooded the capitol shouting profanities and creating chaos. The obvious solution to end the chaos and bring peace was for Kavanaugh to withdraw.

To the relief, (and quite frankly, amazement,) of conservatives across the nation, Senate Republicans stood together. Lindsey Graham gave a scathing speech during Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley pointedly called out Feinstein for holding the letter from Dr. Ford for weeks and not allowing it to be confidentially investigated. Majority leader Mitch McConnell steadily and methodically kept the process moving forward. Even Senator Susan Collins, in a measured and reasonable presentation, chastised the Democrats for vowing to fight the nominee before even knowing who was nominated.

The Democrats believed that Kavanaugh would throw up his hands in disgust at the vile ugliness of the negative publicity. They believed that some Republicans would acquiesce and join them to lift the cloud of uncertainly by rejecting Judge Kavanaugh. They believed that perhaps the President would withdraw his nomination. Not one of those things happened.

The bright light of truth revealed the nauseating Democrat strategy in its stark nakedness. There will be a vote today. There will be another vote on November 6 and the American people will pass judgment at the ballot box. Democrats and talking heads in main stream media will still be muttering to themselves, “They were supposed to quit.”

Signature-Donald E. Cole

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Execution by Paper Cut

Democrats are trying to execute Brett Kavanaugh by paper cut. They have been very clear about their goal to stop his confirmation. They intentionally hid an allegation of sexual assault for weeks. The sole reason was to throw it out as a last minute Hail Mary pass to delay the Senate Judiciary Committee vote.

Witnesses named by the accuser have denied knowing anything about the alleged event. Judge Kavanaugh immediately issued a strong denial and asked to testify before the Judiciary Committee.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Grassley made extraordinary accommodations for the accuser to offer testimony to the committee. The first hint came on September 13, after the committee had completed hearings. A vote was scheduled for the following week, September 20.

It was then that Senator Fienstein revealed that she had turned over a letter to investigators from an anonymous source about an anonymous matter. Unnamed sources stated that it was an allegation of sexual misconduct by Judge Kavanaugh.

Over the weekend, the accuser was identified as Christine Blasey Ford. She said that she wanted to testify. The scheduled vote for Thursday the 20th was cancelled and a hearing was set for Monday the 24th.

With each new day, new excuses and demands arose from Ford’s attorney. Then another accusation came out from Deborah Ramirez. Democrats immediately called for more delays and more conditions. The hearing was rescheduled to Thursday the 27th for Ford and Kavanaugh both to testify.

Meanwhile, not wanting to be left out, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti, popped out of the clown car and announced that he also has someone ready to come forward in the next 48 hours.

Fortunately, Senator Grassley has put his foot down. Thursday, September 27 is the date for the hearing. I still doubt that Ford will show up for the hearing.

Grassley has scheduled a vote for Friday. Senate Republicans are poised to start the full Senate confirmation vote debate on Saturday. Until the Senate finally has a confirmation vote, we may as well get accustomed to hearing outrageous claims from all corners.

Democrats hoped that Kavanaugh would give up and quit. Thankfully, he is not quitting. He is standing firm while Democrats are trying to execute by paper cut.

Signature-Donald E. Cole

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Democrat Houses of Cards Are About to Collapse

Monday, September 17, 2018 will be recorded as a bad day for Democrats. They have built houses of cards that are about to collapse.

First, the accusation of Brett Kavanaugh. It began to break before the weekend from Senator Dianne Feinstein of a serious report of an anonymous incident by a person who wished to remain anonymous.

Senator Feinstein had the information since July but never said anything about it until the hearings were over. That alone proves her disingenuous intent.
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