Execution by Paper Cut

Democrats are trying to execute Brett Kavanaugh by paper cut. They have been very clear about their goal to stop his confirmation. They intentionally hid an allegation of sexual assault for weeks. The sole reason was to throw it out as a last minute Hail Mary pass to delay the Senate Judiciary Committee vote.

Witnesses named by the accuser have denied knowing anything about the alleged event. Judge Kavanaugh immediately issued a strong denial and asked to testify before the Judiciary Committee.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Grassley made extraordinary accommodations for the accuser to offer testimony to the committee. The first hint came on September 13, after the committee had completed hearings. A vote was scheduled for the following week, September 20.

It was then that Senator Fienstein revealed that she had turned over a letter to investigators from an anonymous source about an anonymous matter. Unnamed sources stated that it was an allegation of sexual misconduct by Judge Kavanaugh.

Over the weekend, the accuser was identified as Christine Blasey Ford. She said that she wanted to testify. The scheduled vote for Thursday the 20th was cancelled and a hearing was set for Monday the 24th.

With each new day, new excuses and demands arose from Ford’s attorney. Then another accusation came out from Deborah Ramirez. Democrats immediately called for more delays and more conditions. The hearing was rescheduled to Thursday the 27th for Ford and Kavanaugh both to testify.

Meanwhile, not wanting to be left out, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti, popped out of the clown car and announced that he also has someone ready to come forward in the next 48 hours.

Fortunately, Senator Grassley has put his foot down. Thursday, September 27 is the date for the hearing. I still doubt that Ford will show up for the hearing.

Grassley has scheduled a vote for Friday. Senate Republicans are poised to start the full Senate confirmation vote debate on Saturday. Until the Senate finally has a confirmation vote, we may as well get accustomed to hearing outrageous claims from all corners.

Democrats hoped that Kavanaugh would give up and quit. Thankfully, he is not quitting. He is standing firm while Democrats are trying to execute by paper cut.

Signature-Donald E. Cole

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