With a Firm Reliance on Divine Providence

On Monday, we will celebrate the 240th birthday of the United States. It is far more than just the anniversary of an event in time. The opening words and the closing words of the Declaration of Independence have a powerful message for us today.

“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them….”

Our nation began, not by beseeching King George to give us freedom, but by boldly Continue reading

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This is Why We are Sick of the National Media


Sign Up for Note From Don Cole

The national media is once again expressing faux outrage and taking statements out of context. Down here in South Georgia we call it “pitchin a hissy fit.” This time it is over a passage of Scripture quoted by David Perdue at the Faith and Freedom Convention.

Perdue said that we should pray for President Obama. Then he quoted a portion of Psalm Continue reading

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Governor Deal Vetoes HB 757 Free Exercise Protection Act

Governor Deal vetoed House Bill 757, commonly referred to as the Religious Freedom Act. His stated reason was that the law was not necessary in Georgia. He referred specifically to requiring someone to participate in a religious ceremony, including marriage ceremonies, if it was contrary to sincerely held religious beliefs.

“While most people would agree that government should not force such actions, there has not been a single instance of such taking place in Georgia. If there has been any case of this type in our state it has not been called to my attention.” Continue reading

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The Baby I am Holding is Not Just a Zygote

2016-01-20 11.29.43Last Sunday was Sanctity of Life Sunday. Churches across the nation focused messages and lessons on the sanctity of life. I had the privilege of worshipping with Grace Evangelical Church in Fayetteville, Georgia. They interviewed a young mother in their worship service that made the subject deeply personal to me.

It was a typical day in December 2014. I was scrolling through my Facebook glancing at posts ranging from political discourse to family photos. One caught my attention. She was at the end of her rope, fed up with life, tired of the corruption and hypocrisy that she experienced from others. Something about her post told me that it was not just another rant by someone angry with the politics of the day.

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A Plain and Clear Warning from Isaiah to Those Who Enact Evil Statutes

The United States Senate took a vote last night on whether or not to take up a bill that would stop the flow of tax dollars to Planned Parenthood. Supporters of the measure needed 60 votes in order to move forward. They only got 53. Every single Democrat except one followed the leadership of Harry Reid to keep the money flowing to Planned Parenthood. Continue reading

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Donald Trump Has a Bigger Problem Than the Republican Party

Last weekend the buzz was about Donald Trump’s comments on John McCain.  Now this weekend it will be about his threat to go 3rd party.  I think that there is some purposeful exaggeration and out of context reporting and analysis.

I have not decided on which candidate that I will support so this is not an endorsement of Trump.  I might choose to support him so I’m not bashing him here either.

I wanted to see what all the fuss was about with the John McCain comments, so I watched the video of the 30 minute conversation with Frank Luntz .  I don’t think that Trump is getting a fair deal on the McCain comments.  I have not listened to the specifics on the 3rd party discussion.  I have a feeling that also is being inflated. Continue reading

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Review of Bobby Jindal Announcement Speech

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal became the 13th Republican to announce his candidacy for President. He made his announcement speech on June 24, 2015 at the Pontchartrain Center in Kenner, Louisiana.

He took one sentence of five words to introduce himself, “My name is Bobby Jindal” and in his second sentence he announced his candidacy. “I am governor of the great state of Louisiana, and I’m running for President of the greatest country in the world, the United States of America!”

His opening two sentences provide some insight into Jindal’s approach. He doesn’t waste words, gets to the point, and goes to work. Continue reading

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4th of July and 6 Powerful Words We Need in a Candidate

This coming Saturday, we will celebrate the 239th birthday of the United States. It is far more than just the anniversary of an event in time. The opening words and the closing words of the Declaration of Independence have a powerful message for us today.

“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

There is a recognition that this new nation was on equal standing among the powers of the earth with any other nation on the earth. The basis of that equal standing was not something that other nations gave to them, but something to which God held the title and God gave to them. Continue reading

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Review of Ted Cruz Announcement Speech

Two Republicans, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul have formally announced that they are running for President. I had some time today to watch both speeches.

An announcement speech reveals the major platform of a candidate and why he or she has chosen to throw a hat in the ring. I will offer a review and comparison each in two different articles. Continue reading

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