Send DC to DC – Vote for Don

Sanford Bishop must be defeated. I am running for Congress in the 2nd Congressional District of Georgia on the Republican ticket and we can win.

For the past two and a half years, I had the honor of serving as the Speechwriter for US Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue in President Trump’s administration. I have had the opportunity to learn and develop relationships with leaders and decision makers in Washington and here in Southwest Georgia.

I observed the disconnect between the winning policies of the Trump administration and the whining press releases of Democrats and Sanford Bishop. Sanford Bishop and Democrats steadfastly stand with Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff.

Two times Sanford voted to impeach President Trump. When, yet again, Sanford and Democrats turned their backs on us and cast those votes, I had an irrepressible conviction to put forth a clear and commanding choice for the people of Southwest Georgia.

In the course of our lives, some events arise that compel one to step forward with determined conviction, even in the face of overwhelming odds. History is filled with inspirational accounts of such conviction.

Moses stood before Pharoah and demanded, “Let my people go.” In American history, Patrick Henry proclaimed, “Give me liberty or give me death.”

William Travis drew a line in the sand at the Alamo challenged those with him to step across the line and take a stand. In the freezing town of Bastogne, surrounded by the overwhelming force of the Nazi military might, 101st Airborne Division General Anthony Mcauliffe replied to the demand for surrender with one word, “Nuts!”

Some succeeded. Some failed. All made a difference.

When one gives up a steady paycheck with good benefits, to take such a step, it is necessary to answer a very basic question, “Why?” The answer is simple.

Southwest Georgia does not have a representative. Sanford Bishop and Democrats have abandoned the people of Southwest Georgia. Sanford made the choice to align with Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and the values of San Francisco and Hollywood.

Sanford Bishop and Democrats long ago abandoned pro-life to align with Planned Parenthood.

Sanford Bishop and Democrats abandoned God’s design for the family of one man and one woman. They aligned themselves with the very loud promoters of a radical Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender agenda.

These loud and boisterous voices goes beyond calling for mere acceptance. They attempt to force endorsement and promotion.

Sanford Bishop and Democrats abandoned the dignity of meaningful, responsible, sustaining employment to align with dependency on big government. Their policies are an assault on the family.

They have crippled homes and created multiple generations of children without two parents in the home. They erode the foundation of the family and contribute to a breakdown of society.

Sanford Bishop and Democrats abandoned the people of our district to align with the socialism promoted by Democrats in their lofty perches in DC. Democrats cry doom and gloom and offer nothing but more of the same.

President Trump’s conservative policies of opportunity and freedom improve lives for everyone. He has instituted these policies in spite of lies and an unprecedented assault by Democrats in Congress.

Values like American exceptionalism, economic freedom, the right to life, a strong family, personal responsibility, and the American dream are deeply held convictions of the people of the 2nd District.

Our values go deeper than mere demographic make up. The people of the 2nd District are starving for someone to work for us. I promise that no one will work harder or be a bigger cheerleader for Southwest Georgia than I will.

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