The State of the Union

I look forward to hearing President Trump’s State of the Union Message tomorrow evening. We will hear him focus on how we have advanced as a nation in the past year.

The last President was going around the world apologizing to other nations for America. Contrast that to President Trump who is unapologetically proud of America. The differences are as stark as the dense darkness in the depths of Mammoth Cave to high noon in the Sahara desert.

From his first visit to Saudi Arabia where he confronted Muslim terrorism in its own back yard to Warsaw where he boldly proclaimed Western Judeao-Christian values that are the foundation for freedom.

Just last week in Lavos, he promoted America First and clearly explained that America First does not mean America alone.  He made economics simple by pointing out that a strong American economy is good for the whole world.

The stock market hits new records highs on a weekly basis. When it passed 25,000, President Trump said it looks like 30,000 is our next goal.

I expect him to talk about his plan for investment in infrastructure. He will discuss his plan for Immigration.  He offered a proposal to the Democrats for the Dreamers that is bi-partisan.

He stood firm when Democrats shut down the government to allow some illegal immigrants to stay. His proposal now doubles the number of illegal immigrants who would be allowed to stay and have a path to become citizens.

The mainstream media has focused on matters that don’t matter to the average American. It has become nauseatingly comical. President Trump will address the things that do matter.  It is not just talk. It is action and millions of Americans are seeing it now, even in their own paychecks.

This will be an important address. I will be watching. I hope that you will too.

Signature-Donald E. Cole

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Shoehorning to Shutdown

Congress failed to send a bill to the President to continue funding the government. As a result, President Trump directed an orderly shut down process to begin at midnight, January 19, 2018.

Senate rules allow a minority of Senators to block action on a bill. Republicans hold a slim 51 to 49 majority in the Senate. When Democrats filibuster (which they did) Republicans need at least 9 Democrat votes to allow a vote on the bill.

Five Democrats voted to proceed with voting along with 45 Republicans. Five Republicans including McConnell voted NO on the motion to proceed. McConnell voted NO so that he could move to reconsider.

I watched the Senate proceedings. Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell spoke with clear common sense about the failure of the Senate to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government.

There was very little controversy over the content of the resolution. McConnell noted that the shutdown was 100% avoidable and pointedly said, “Democrats chose to filibuster a non-controversial funding bill that contains nothing, not a thing, that they do not support.”

That raises a rather obvious question. What is the problem? The problem is that Democrats decided to insert a completely separate issue into the resolution. McConnell put it best, “There is only one reason we ended up here; the shoehorning of illegal immigration into this debate.”

Cut through all the hype and it comes down to one simple issue. Democrats put the interests of illegal immigrants above the interests of Americans.

The issue they shoehorned into this debate has nothing to do with funding the government. Republicans in the Senate should stand together and refuse to yield to this blatant extortion.

The American people clearly see Schumer’s priorities.They see where they stand in relation to illegal immigrants.

Senator McConnell is to be commended for his leadership thus far. Schumer’s Shutdown does not just put Americans in the back of the bus. Schumer’s Shutdown kicks Americans under the bus.

Democrat Senators need to make the wise decision to put America first. Put an end to this hypocritical smokescreen charade and let the Senate vote on the Continuing Resolution.

Signature-Donald E. Cole

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Repeal and Let It Fail

After numerous efforts to replace Obamacare failed, President Trump stated that he is fine with letting it implode under its own weight, Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell has stated that he is bringing a vote to the floor on the same bill to repeal Obamacare that passed the Senate in 2015. It would have an effective date two years away.

Three Republican Senators, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia and Susan Collins of Maine said they oppose McConnell’s proposal. Of those three, only Collins voted against the 2015 repeal plan. Continue reading

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Charlie Gard and President Trump’s Speech in Warsaw

Eleven month old, Charlie Gard, has been granted what is the equivalent of a stay of execution. The Great Ormand Street Hospital had requested and won the right to keep Charlie in its custody and remove his life support.

According to a story in the Daily Mail, seven international experts presented evidence that the baby has a much higher chance of survival than originally thought. Based on the evidence, the hospital requested a new hearing in the High Court. Continue reading

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Individual Responsibility

Shortly after 7:00 am this morning, a man went to a practice field and began firing at the individuals in the area. The field was in use by Republican members of congress practicing for an annual charity game between Democrats and Republicans.

The shooter died of wounds and was identified as James T. Hodgkinson. Media is abounding with information and debate about the event and Mr. Hodgkinson.

Governor Terry McCauliffe was quick to call for more gun control.  Conservatives pointed to the atmosphere of political discourse and hatred displayed toward President Trump. Continue reading

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Comey’s Grammar School Note Passing

Former FBI Director, James Comey testified that he wrote a memo, then gave it to a friend at Columbia Law School to read portions of it to a reporter. In his notes, Comey indicated that President Trump asked for a private meeting and said to him, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.”  He also said that President Trump asked for his loyalty.

After Comey’s firing the Democrats and talking heads in the mainstream media exploded with cries of “obstruction of justice.” The word of Comey’s memo threw gasoline on the fire.

Step back from the hysteria for a moment and return to a basic civic lesson. The FBI and the Justice Department are part of the executive branch of our government. Continue reading

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Republicans – Take a Lesson from Democrats

I was once asked what got me involved in Republican politics.  My answer is easy: Bill Clinton and the Democrat party.

When the Monica Lewinski affair came out Bill Clinton angrily shook his finger at the television camera and the American people denying any impropriety.  While I did not believe a word he was saying, I counted it as just politics.

Then he testified to the Grand Jury and again blatantly lied.  Not only did he lie, but it was evident that the Clintons made threats and went after those who told the truth.  At that point it was no longer just politics. Continue reading

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Comey, Ice Cream, and September

Each day, the mainstream media and the Democrats in Congress display their utter contempt for President Trump.  Over a week ago, President Trump dismissed FBI Director James Comey.

The President has the full authority to dismiss the director along with many other appointed positions in the Executive Branch.  The FBI Director serves at the pleasure of the President.  Yet the squawks keep coming after a full week. Continue reading

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We Won! Stop Playing Defense!

There has been a visceral reaction from conservatives at the budget bill that will fund the government through the end of the year.  President Trump and Republicans campaigned on several key issues including repeal and replacement of Obamacare, defunding Planned Parenthood, Sanctuary Cities, and building the wall.

The appointment and subsequent confirmation of Judge Gorsuch was a key victory. Executive orders that overturned Obama’s Executive orders were victories.

On the Legislative front, the movement has been slow at best.  The voters who flooded the polling places to vote for Trump and Republicans are losing patience. Continue reading

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A Farmer and His Faith

On Tuesday, April 25, 2017, at the United States Supreme Court, Justice Clarence Thomas, a Georgian, administered the oath of office to Sonny Perdue, a fellow Georgian, to serve as the United States Secretary of Agriculture.  Sonny Perdue joins President Trump’s administration with unique qualifications.

He grew up on a farm and has experienced the full cycle of life in farming. He knows what it is like to prepare the soil, plant the seed, care for the growing crop, harvest, move it to market, set aside proceeds from the fruit of his labor, and start the process all over again. Continue reading

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