Trump – Missiles – and Our Adversaries

Last week, President Trump announced that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria had deployed chemical weapons again. Visibly moved by the news, and in a reference to former President Obama’s red-line speech, Trump said that this attack crossed “many, many lines, beyond a red line, many, many lines.”

The following day, he ordered a narrowly targeted strike on the Syrian air base from which the Syrians launched the attack. President Trump was right in ordering the strike. Continue reading

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Lessons Learned from Obamacare Replacement

The talking heads and pundits have pointed their fingers and cast the blame on the “failure” of the Obamacare legislation vote that Speaker Ryan cancelled last Friday. I do not see productive value for the American people and the Republican Party in the finger pointing and blame.

It is beneficial to take a look at what happened and learn from the process. Three words summarize what happened: Communicated, Complicated, and Confidence. Continue reading

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There Will Not Be A Nuclear Option

I think that every pundit on television is fixated on the Nuclear Option for the confirmation of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch.  Even President Trump himself openly encouraged Senator McConnell to use it if he had to.

One statement that I keep hearing is that under the current Senate rules it will take 60 votes.  That is somewhat misleading.  When the Senate opens debate on the confirmation, it takes 60 votes to end the debate.  If one Senator wanted to filibuster, the debate would continue until 60 Senators voted to end the debate and proceed with the vote. Continue reading

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The Deception of Unity

Following every election candidates, both winning and losing, make statements about being united as Americans. They say that it is now time to unite as one for the common good.

In past elections, even when Republicans won, it appeared that they were more concerned about the appearance of “unity” than the principles on which they ran to get elected. There is a dangerous deception in the calls for unity. Most often those calls are from the media and Democrats. They are loudest when Republicans win. Continue reading

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“It is Over”

I watched C-SPAN coverage of the certification of electoral votes today. Our Republic continues to function in the transition of power. Vice-President Joe Biden as President of the Senate presided over the recording of votes from each state. The House selected two members and the Senate selected two members as tellers.

Beginning with the first state, Alabama, Democrats in the House of Representatives rose to object to the Electoral votes. Vice-President Biden repeatedly called the objections out of order and read from the Section 15 and 17 of the US Code indicating that objections must be in writing and signed by a member of the House and a member of the Senate. Objectors did not have a signature from a Senator. Continue reading

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After States Cast Electoral Votes CNN Still Poses Scenarios

In the movie, Dumb and Dumber, the character, Lloyd Christmas wants to know the chances of a guy like him connecting with a girl like Mary Swanson. She clearly doesn’t want to hurt his feelings but he presses the issue and she finally tells him that the chances are like one out of a million. Lloyd confidently responds, “So you’re telling me there’s a chance. YEAH!”

Since the Presidential election, we have watched the main stream media, particularly CNN, live out the role of Lloyd Christmas. Electors in states across the nation cast their votes for President on Monday, December 19, 2016 and Donald Trump was officially elected as President by a majority of electors. Continue reading

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Preachers and Politics – No Subject is Off Limits

Be assured, God is not deaf to the cries of the millions of innocent babies callously killed as if a sacrifice to the god of convenience. Then as if mere killing was not enough, Planned Parenthood and other organizations determined that if they killed the baby is just the right manner, they could butcher the body and sell the parts to highest bidder.

Our nation cannot continue down this path and expect that there will not be consequences from the just and righteous Creator who watched over us and formed this nation of freedom. Do not think for a moment that the great United States of America cannot fall under God’s judgment. Continue reading

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Donald Trump – “I Will Appoint Pro-Life Judges”

In the final debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, both candidates were asked to give an impromptu one minute closing statement. Moderator Chris Wallace explained that there had been no plan for the candidates to prepare a closing statement.

Donald Trump delivered the best summation of his candidacy in that one minute response. He directly addressed African Americans and Latinos pointing out the hypocrisy of the Democrats who made promise after promise to get their votes. Continue reading

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Who Will Fill the Void?

Who will fill the void? The language and tone of the political season has deteriorated to a repugnant cesspool. Most of us grew up being taught the value of good manners, treating others with respect, and having humility.

Name calling and making fun of others was a punishable offense. So, it is understandable to hear people wish for the campaign season to be over. They just want the conflict to finally end for a season at least. Continue reading

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The Trump Tapes Did Not and Will Not Derail the Trump Train

I was paying more attention to the weather channel than other news over the weekend. It was not until Sunday morning that I received an e-mail asking for my take on the latest that Trump said.

My first thought was, “what did he tweet this time?” My google search revealed that there was a lot of activity about a tape from 2005 and the locker room language Trump used.

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