Republican Enablers

Senator Jeff Flake is enabling the very behavior he claims to despise. Under the masquerade of a bipartisan effort, Flake said that he would not vote for the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh unless there was an FBI investigation. He said, “This country is being ripped apart here. We have to be sure we do due diligence.”

Fortunately he did put a boundary on his request. He said that it should be no more than 5 days.

Once Flake folded, Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski followed his lead with a call for an FBI investigation. West Virginia Democrat, Sen. Joe Manchin III, had been leaning toward confirmation.

With Flake and Murkowski providing coverage, Manchin and Maine Republican Susan Collins joined the chorus calling for the FBI to investigate. These Senators are being played.

Get ready for more confusion. Flake said no more than five days. Democrats will ignore Flake’s compromise of no more than five days.

Be prepared to hear cries for a thorough investigation which obviously will take months. In addition, be prepared for new allegations. New allegations will lead to calls for more hearings and more delays.

I would not be shocked to see a formal complaint filed in Montgomery County, Maryland accusing Judge Kavanaugh of attempted rape. Then the question will be how could the Senate possibly move forward with a candidate who has a criminal record.

Democrats are adding another talking point. Following Kavanaugh’s powerful statement and testimony, the new talking point is that he does not have the temperament to sit on the Supreme Court.

Jeff Flake, Lisa Murkowski, and Susan Collins are enabling the most atrocious behavior by a political party in the history of our nation. This is not bipartisanship. It is not statesmanlike.

President Trump has ordered a supplemental background investigation on the allegation. You can take this to the bank – the results of the background check will not be accepted by Democrats.

Judge Kavanaugh will suffer for another week. He is committed and is facing this with a firm resolve. We need to stand with him with that same resolve and show up in November in an unstoppable wave at the ballot box.

The American people are not fools. They see what is going on. In November, they will rise up again as they did in 2016.

Senator Flake is concerned about the country being ripped apart. He just handed Democrats another opportunity to leave America even more torn after another week of their manufacture and destroy mission.

He does not need to be wringing his hands and complaining about the lack of civility in Washington. He needs to look in the mirror because he is the one enabling it.

Signature-Donald E. Cole

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