Cast Your Vote for President Trump

Early voting is going on in Georgia for the Presidential Primary which is on Tuesday, March 24. Since Donald Trump is the only one on the Republican ballot, you may wonder if it really matters. It does.

It is important. It sends a message. It shows your support for President Trump and for a conservative agenda.

When you go to the polls and cast a vote in the Republican Presidential Primary, it sends a clear message that you stand with President Trump. It is a positive influence on others when you set the example.

Lines are short in early voting. If the polling place is nearby, go ahead and cast your vote for President Trump. Definitely go on March 24 for the Presidential Primary. I appreciate your support for President Trump.

On the Trail to Send DC to DC

I have several speaking engagements lined up over the next week. With the precautions to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, these could be subject to change. Continue reading

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