This Cannot Continue

“This cannot continue.” Three simple words from Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger pushed my button.

According to Epoch Times , on June 14, Raffensperger opened an investigation into Fulton county because they could not produce 19,000 chain of custody forms. Here is the full quote: Continue reading

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Yeah, I Said That

Honorable Brian Kemp, Governor
206 Washington Street
Suite 203, State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334

December 19, 2020

Dear Governor Kemp,

Call a special session of the Georgia Legislature. Since November 3, we have heard repeatedly “there is no credible evidence” of widespread fraud that would change the outcome of the election.

What is the basis for that statement? Has there been a court case that actually ruled on the factual claims? Continue reading

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Restore Confidence for January 5 Runoff

There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that confidence in our elections administration in Georgia is in the gutter. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger can issue all the announcements he wants about how secure the election was but he may as well be saying that professional wrestling is real. There are more eyeballs rolling at his announcements than there are wheels on rolling on I-75. Continue reading

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