We Ran the Race

When I let it be known that I was going to run for the 2nd District US House, many well-meaning people said that I was wasting my time and my money. Because of a long-time incumbency, the demographics, and socio-economics, the district has always been written off for a Republican challenger. 

If an analysis of the data was my basis for running, then I would have come to the same conclusion. My basis for running; however, was not merely on political analysis. Continue reading

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You Must Choose – For Black Traditional Democrat Voters

As I am out and around the 2nd District, one common question I hear is, “How are you going to win Albany and Columbus?” The real question being asked is, “How are you going to sway the black traditional Democrat voter?”

My answer is that I focus on the deep common values in our faith, our hopes and our dreams. I draw the contrast between the Democrats and Sanford Bishop and the values we hold.

I draw the striking contrast between the abysmal failure of the Obama agenda and the skyrocketing success of the Trump agenda for the black population. I focus on issues such as life, economic opportunity, jobs, taxes, growing wealth, illegal immigration, and the criminal justice reforms that President Trump and Republicans put into law.

I point out these striking contrasts and issue a simple challenge, “You must choose.” Now I am asking you to help me share these messages.

Message for the Black Traditional Democrat on Right to Life


It hangs on the wall of a home you know, perhaps your own. It is a simple sign with the words from Joshua, “Choose you this day whom you will serve…. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)

Picture that sign hanging on the wall in that familiar place. Remember the smell of dinner on the table. Remember seeing your grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, mother, or father, sitting by the light reading from the Bible and preparing a Sunday School lesson.

Now, today, I ask you to let those words of Joshua ring in your ears as if you were standing there as he delivered God’s message. “Choose you this day.”

Over the past half century at least, most black voters have voted for candidates in the Democrat party. That path has become ingrained and traditional. There is something, though, that is beginning to make you uneasy about that path.

Your values are established on the foundation of the truth you learned from your family, your church, and your own prayer and study of the Bible. It is not merely tradition, it is truth.

Now you are noticing the striking contrast between the path of Democrats and the values that you learned in Sunday School and Church. Sanford Bishop and the Democrat party promote an agenda that directly contradicts your deeply held values.

Sanford Bishop has a 100% approval rating by Planned Parenthood and a 0% rating by the National Right to Life. In New York City, 60% of black babies die by abortion.

Republicans pushed the Fetal Pain Abortion bill to put an end to the torturous, barbarous, killing of babies in the womb. Babies can feel the stabbing, slashing, ripping of limbs from their bodies until the only end to their suffering and indescribable pain is death. Sanford Bishop fought against that bill – yes, he fought it!

We were shocked when we watched the video tapes of a Planned Parenthood executive dining in luxury. As she calmly ate dinner she callously talked about harvesting the body parts from the babies they killed. In between sips of wine, she described how, if they used just the right method with just the right timing, they could harvest the most organs.

My God, she is talking about a baby!

Republicans reacted with legislation to completely cut off all federal funding to Planned Parenthood. Sanford Bishop fought it.

There is a reason that Planned Parenthood gives Sanford Bishop a 100% rating. There is also a reason that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was so popular with the KKK.

The words of Joshua, “Choose you this day” keep ringing in your ears. You may desperately want to change the subject. The gnawing, clawing, burning bright light of truth floods every corner of your thinking. You realize that you can no longer avoid the issue.

Democrats presume that you will vote for them because that is what they expect you to do. Sometimes, they do not even bother to ask for your vote.

In November, you will enter the voting booth. This is your vote and yours alone. Your vote does not belong to Sanford Bishop, Stacy Abrams, or the Democrat Party.

Your vote belongs to you. As you stand in the voting booth, you stand at that point of decision. You must “choose you this day.”

In the race for US House of Representatives, you will see Don Cole on the ballot. I am the only one who will stand for the deeply held values that we share.

I am the only one who will stand for life. I am the only one who will stand for the people of the 2nd District and stand against the racist agenda of Planned Parenthood.

There is a clear and stark choice between the faith and family values that you deeply hold and the destructive agenda of the Democrats.

On one side is the crystal clear truth of faith, freedom, family values, and your future. On the other side are the Democrats who presume upon your vote and pursue policies that lead to collapse and ruin.

This is one of those critical points in your life. Today and on election day in the voting booth, you stand at the crossroads.

The words of Joshua roll through your mind like thunder. “Choose you this day.” You must choose.


That’s my message on the Right to Life for the black traditional Democrat voter. It has an impact and will make a difference. 

I must get this message to the black community. As important as sharing on social media is, and I want you to do that, I am not talking about merely sharing this on social media.

Now, I am calling on you, as one of my readers, to choose to financially support my campaign. We are under assault as a nation.

I will lead the charge in the 2nd District, and I will charge the hill with every fiber of my being. I am not playing games and I will not mince words. I need you.

What you invest in Don Cole for Congress goes to carry the message from Don Cole to the people of the 2nd District and for our nation.

This is me. I am sitting in my den at 5:00 am, drinking my coffee, praying for our President, our Governor, and our nation and banging furiously on this key board.

I am not begging you to help me meet some fundraising goal. I don’t give just to help politicians meet some fundraising goal and you don’t either.  

I care about our nation. I care about proclaiming the truth that we might continue to live as a free people as one nation under God.

You cannot hope for someone else to give. You cannot hope for someone else do something. 

Invest as you are led to invest, but for the sake of our nation, and for the love of God, invest something to get this message out!

Choose you this day! You’ve thought about it. You meant to do it. You were going to do it. Now, do it.

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Choose You This Day

Choose you this day. Those words are familiar. It is likely that you have already finished the phrase in your mind.

In his final address, to the nation of Israel, Joshua stood before the nation that he had led into the Promised Land. He reminded them of God’s providential care. He reminded them of God’s abundant blessings.

Joshua also warned them of the danger that lurked and would attack the foundation of their freedom. Then Joshua challenged the people to make a willful, conscious, decision to choose.

Joshua concluded with his decision. “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” (Joshua 24:15)

Today, America stands at the point of decision. We are in a time like never before.

The primary issues today are no longer about the size of government, tax policy, or regulation. Today we see mob violence, destruction, and an intentional, planned, assault on America.

What began as calls for the removal of memorial statues, has now taken on the face of mob destruction and violence. Today statues of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt are not only criticized but defaced and damaged.

Princeton University removed Woodrow Wilson’s name from its Public Policy Center. The Democrat Party in Orange County, California called for the renaming of the John Wayne airport because of comments he made in an interview with Playboy magazine half a century ago.

This mob frenzy has surpassed mere political correctness. It has now metastasized into a cancer that is out to destroy America itself.

Democrats blame President Trump for the violence while at the same time they call for abolishing the police. Seattle handed over several blocks of the city to a lawless mob who apparently could not settle on the name of their newly formed republic, “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ) or “Capitol Hill Organized Protest” (CHOP).

In the first month of CHAZ/CHOP, there were at least six shootings. After three shootings in a 48 hour time frame, one being fatal, the Mayor of Seattle boldly proclaimed that the city “will not allow for gun violence to continue in the evenings around Capitol Hill.”

The Mayor’s proclamation was so effective that 72 hours later there was another shooting. A week later yet another shooting left a 16 year old dead and a 14 year old in critical condition.

Meanwhile, Democrats, including Sanford Bishop, are characteristically silent about the lawlessness, crime, destruction, and decay. The problem is that Democrats have controlled these areas for decades. What happened in a matter of weeks in CHAZ/CHOP was just Democrat leadership on steroids.

Today, America stands at a critical crossroads. The violence and destruction that we see around our nation share no DNA with the values of the people of the 2nd District.

I am speaking up and standing up for your values. I am speaking up and standing up for you as I challenge Sanford Bishop.

I need you to stand with me. I need you to put skin in the game with me.

I am regularly asked if the Republican party will support our race. Yes they will, but they need to see that the people of the 2nd District are standing up. Now is the time to take a stand.

When you donate to Don Cole for Congress, the money stays with my campaign and is focused right here on my campaign. Your contribution will go to promote your values and you can count on that.

You may have never donated to a political campaign before. Now is the time, today is the day.

We are at a time as never before. Right now, you, not anyone else, but you stand at a point of decision.

Some of my readers have already given generously and sacrificially. If you have not given to my campaign yet, then I ask you to do it now.

The number of individual donors is just as important as how much the donors give. Will you put some skin in the game by donating as little as $2.20 (2nd District in 20) or $20.20 (Send DC to DC in 2020)?


Want to mail a check? Send to: (See Campaign Disclosure Notice At the bottom of this e-mail:

Don Cole for Congress
P.O. Box 1181
Cordele, GA 31010

Thank you in advance for putting your skin in the game with me and making an investment in America. May God bless you and may God bless America.


By clicking “Donate”, I certify that the following statements are true and accurate:

– I am a U.S. Citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident

– This contribution is made from my personal funds, not from an account maintained by a corporation, labor union, or national bank, and is not being reimbursed by another person or entity.

– I am not a federal government contractor.

– I understand that this contribution is not tax deductible.

Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, address, occupation, and employer of individuals whose contribution exceeds $200 in an election cycle.

The maximum amount an individual may contribute is $2,800 per election. The primary and the general are considered to be separate elections.  For contributions received on or before May 19, 2020, your contribution (up to $2,800) will be designated for the primary election, and the next $2,800 will be designated for the general election.  For contributions received after May 19, 2020, your contribution will be designated to the general election.

Federal law prohibits contributions from corporations, labor unions, federal contractors, and foreign nationals

If you would rather contribute by mail, please send a personal check made payable to “Don Cole for Congress, Inc.” to:

Don Cole for Congress, Inc.
P. O. Box 1181
Cordele, GA 31010

Please include your full name, address, email address, occupation and employer in the envelope.


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Do the Next Thing

Remember “In God We Trust”

Over the past few days I have talked, mostly by phone, with many people. There is no question that what we are experiencing today is unprecedented. 

When I make calls now, I introduce myself, and say that I’m calling to say that I’m praying for them and their community. I don’t ask for anything. I don’t even ask for their vote. At this time, I believe that the best thing we can do is to be as positive and encouraging as we can be. Continue reading

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Don is Officially on the Ballot

Billboards of Donald Trump and Don Cole
Billboard on main connector to Albany from I-75

On the first day of qualifying, I went to the Georgia State Capitol and stood in the long line of Republicans qualifying for office. I paid the fee which was covered by generous donations that have already come in. Continue reading

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Brothers in Arms

There is a tight bond that ties men who served together in the military. Young men in their late teens and early twenties from different communities, different cultures, different religious backgrounds, different ways of life were put together for a primary purpose – to defend the United States of America. 

Veterans from 549th MP Company Ft. Davis/Coco Solo Canal Zone 1971-1976

Over a period of a few months, the men from diverse backgrounds became brothers in arms. Those few months in the lives of these men created a tight bond that would stand out uniquely for the rest of their lives. Continue reading

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