The Handshake Will Return

President Trump just completed an amazing press conference on Covid-19. He called on multiple private sector resources to come and report on tracking, testing, and actions they were taken. Actions ranged from development of new testing tools to web site for on-line screening to making parking lots available at Wal-Marts around the nation for drive through testing.

Send DC to DC

President Trump’s style stood out like a bright lighthouse. The government representatives focused on cutting red tape and working closely with private sector to deliver results. Continue reading

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Cast Your Vote for President Trump

Early voting is going on in Georgia for the Presidential Primary which is on Tuesday, March 24. Since Donald Trump is the only one on the Republican ballot, you may wonder if it really matters. It does.

It is important. It sends a message. It shows your support for President Trump and for a conservative agenda.

When you go to the polls and cast a vote in the Republican Presidential Primary, it sends a clear message that you stand with President Trump. It is a positive influence on others when you set the example.

Lines are short in early voting. If the polling place is nearby, go ahead and cast your vote for President Trump. Definitely go on March 24 for the Presidential Primary. I appreciate your support for President Trump.

On the Trail to Send DC to DC

I have several speaking engagements lined up over the next week. With the precautions to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, these could be subject to change. Continue reading

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Don is Officially on the Ballot

Billboards of Donald Trump and Don Cole
Billboard on main connector to Albany from I-75

On the first day of qualifying, I went to the Georgia State Capitol and stood in the long line of Republicans qualifying for office. I paid the fee which was covered by generous donations that have already come in. Continue reading

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Democrats Vote to Impeach

Democrats tonight voted along straight party lines to impeach President Trump. They do not appreciate the gravity of their act. 

My congressman, Sanford Bishop, voted to impeach. Georgia’s 2nd District is generally viewed as a safe district for a Democrat. The idea of a safe district leads to complacency and an aura of invincibility. Continue reading

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My Take on the Schiff Hearings

I have had several people ask me about the hearings that the House Intelligence Committee held over the past two weeks. I heard a lot of interpretations, understandings, and opinions from witnesses, but no facts that differed from the transcript of the phone call to the Ukrainian President that President Trump provided. 

The witnesses were all connected with the State Department or Intelligence community. They appeared to be disturbed over the call because the President did not follow their talking points or because he made the call at all. 

It was clear that Democrats set the rules to prevent Republican participation to the fullest degree possible.  When Republican Congressman David Nunes attempted to yield a portion of his time for questioning to Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, Schiff ruled her out of order because the rules, adopted just two weeks earlier, only allowed Nunes to yield time to the legal counsel.

One of the most revealing moments came when Republican Jim Jordan asked Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman to name the individual to whom he spoke about the call. Vindman had earlier testified that he spoke to someone in the intelligence community. 

Vindman had also testified that he did not know who the whistleblower was. When Jordan asked to whom Vindman spoke, Chairman Schiff immediately interjected that he was not going to allow the witness to identify the whistleblower.

Jordan pointed out the obvious logic that if Vindman does not know who the whistleblower is and Schiff had publicly stated that he did not know who the whistleblower is, then how was Vindman outing the whistleblower?

What happens next? It looks like the Intelligence Committee will make a recommendation to the House Judiciary Committee to proceed with formal impeachment hearings. 

The report will present the opinions of the unelected bureaucrats as the troubling proof that the President abused his authority and should be removed. I do not think that Republicans will be allowed to provide a minority report .

Since Democrats have a majority, the Schiff report will be treated as the gospel. Democrats in the House will wring their hands in anguish over this travesty by the President as the Judiciary Committee begins its hearings.

Democrats will wield the power in the House of the simple majority and try to find one Republican to join them. If they find just one Republican to join them, be prepared to hear the term “bi-partisan majority impeachment”  until you are sick of hearing it.  

The high stakes match up comes if Nancy Pelosi goes through with this for a full impeachment vote. Once the matter goes over to the Senate, the Republicans are in control and they will not be gagged. 

All of this going on here at Christmas time is the lump of coal in the stocking for the American people every time they turn on the news. There is a bright side to this though.

Given the dismal viewership ratings of the Schiff hearings, Americans won’t be watching the news. They will be too busy watching Hallmark Christmas movies and shopping.

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Truth, Justice and the Inquisition

Democrats continue to shock and anger the nation with their assault on truth and justice in their ongoing coup attempt to remove Donald Trump. News outlets are calling the latest efforts an impeachment, but this is not an impeachment, it is an inquisition. 

A two year, multi-million dollar fishing expedition by Robert Mueller came back with no catch on Russian interference or obstruction of justice. The best Mueller could do was say that he could not file charges but neither could he exonerate President Trump.

The latest attempt came with an unauthorized discussion about the President’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky last July. Conversations between the President and leader of another country are classified. 

Someone who apparently was authorized to be involved in the conversation broke the law and talked about it with an unauthorized individual. That second-hand party, who is referred to as a “whistle blower,” then talked to Congressman Adam Schiff and his staff.

They helped the second-hand whistle blower craft a formal letter to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. Schiff himself is the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. 

That letter, then went to the Intelligence Inspector General (IG) as a “whistle blower” complaint. What the IG received, was, at best, a second-hand report of an allegation about the President. 

It would seem that the IG would want to get someone who actually heard the call to corroborate the story. If he could not get a first-hand account, it should be “case closed.”  

On September 18, the Washington Post published a story, based on an anonymous source, about the existence of a “whistle blower” report on the President’s phone call.  That was the trigger in the Democrat playbook for Schiff, Pelosi, and the Democrats. 

On September 24, Nancy Pelosi met with the Democrat caucus behind closed doors to discuss impeachment. In order to begin an impeachment process, the House of Representatives must vote. Newly elected Democrats who ran as moderates did not want to go on record voting for an impeachment. 

Shortly after Pelosi had her closed door meeting, President Trump, who was at the United Nations, announced that he would be releasing the unredacted transcript of his phone call with the Ukrainian President. The Whitehouse also announced that the second-hand whistle blower complaint would be released by the end of the week. 

Later that afternoon, Pelosi addressed Congress. She said, “I am announcing the House of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry. I am directing our six Committees to proceed with their investigations under that umbrella of impeachment inquiry.” 

There was no vote then. There still has not been a vote. I do not believe that there will be a vote.  

In spite of having no vote for an impeachment inquiry, some Democrats were quick to jump on the bandwagon calling for Trump’s impeachment. Among the followers of the left was my member of Congress, Sanford Bishop, from Southwest Georgia’s 2nd Congressional District. 

Even after President Trump announced that he would be releasing the unredacted transcript of the call, Sanford Bishop published a statement saying that it was “imperative” that Congress begin an impeachment inquiry. He stated: 

“The President has admitted publicly to asking the Ukraine President to investigate Hunter Biden and has instructed his Director of National Intelligence to withhold the whistleblower’s complaint from Congress, which is illegal.”

Sanford Bishop made up his mind without getting any facts. He pre-judged the reported allegation before knowing the details or even seeing the complaint itself.  

The next day as President Trump promised, in an unprecedented display of transparency, he released the totally unredacted transcript of the call. Later that day, the second-hand whistle blower complaint was also declassified and forwarded to Congress. 

Democrats were so caught off guard by the release of the transcript that Congressman Adam Schiff made up his own version. In a meeting of the House Intelligence Committee on September 26, Schiff read into the record a totally fictitious transcript of the call.

Republicans called his hand. He said that it was just a parody. 

When the second-hand whistle blower complaint was declassified, Sanford Bishop was quick to update his website with a link to the second-hand account of the whistle blower. In a blatant display of deceit, Bishop did not include a link to the transcript of the call itself.

The transcript was released before the whistle blower’s second-hand account and complaint. Nearly one month later, there is still only a link to the second-hand account made by the whistle blower.

Sanford Bishop has made no acknowledgement of the transcript.  He has not provided a link that would allow a constituent to read the transcript of the call itself.

Sanford Bishop should provide the transcript so that his constituents can get the complete and accurate account. He is presenting only one side. This is a calculated and disingenuous ploy to mislead.  

Democrats, with their loyal followers like Sanford Bishop, are seeking neither truth nor justice. They are carrying out a duplicitous, devious, dishonest inquisition. 

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Revision and Division

The New York Times unveiled their new project named, “The 1619 Project” in their August 14, 2019 issue of the New York Time Magazine. The 1619 project is a series of essays that looks back to the 400th anniversary of the first slaves from Africa brought to the American colonies.

The Times made no effort to hide the project’s intent and primary thesis. Times stated that its purpose was to “reframe the country’s history, understanding 1619 as the true founding,” of America.

These essays are neither good journalism nor sound historical analysis. The heading of the first essay reads,

“Our democracy’s founding ideals were false when they were written.”

Nikole Hannah-Jones – 1619 Project – NY Times Magazine August 14, 2019

The problem with the series is with the thesis itself. The essays blame every societal issue today affecting the minority population in the United States on slavery. One essay even relates the interstate highway system during the Eisenhower administration to the institution of slavery that had been abolished a century earlier.

The 1619 Project, in “reframing” history has both a short term and long term objective. Dean Baquet, Executive Editor of the Times, said that after Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress, the Times was caught “a little tiny bit flat-footed.”

Before the Mueller testimony, the New York Times staff expected Mueller’s testimony would finally put Donald Trump out of office. They were more excited than a six year old on Christmas eve.

After Mueller’s stumbling testimony, their hopes and dreams were dashed. There was nothing under the Christmas tree – not even a lump of coal in the stockings.

In a town hall meeting with his newsroom staff, Baquet revealed the new strategy to end the Trump Presidency. They would turn from the failed Russian collusion story to a strategy of racial division. Baquet exhorted them to join him in the new vision.

“That, to me, is the vision for coverage. You all are going to have to help us shape that vision. But I think that’s what we’re going to have to do for the rest of the next two years.”

Slate Magazine – Transcript of NY Times Town Hall – August 15, 2019

The short term objective of The 1619 Project is to stoke the fires of race in the left’s ongoing war against President Trump. The strategy is historical revision and a division of the American people based on race.

There is a long term objective as well. The liberal media’s assaults look beyond President Trump. They are an assault on the greatness and exceptionalism of the United States.

The 1619 Project has already published student curriculum for young students including reading guides, activities, and other teaching resources. Media outlets and professional journals will present stories and hold workshops on The 1619 Project. Higher educational institutions, especially those who train teachers and write curriculum, will incorporate quotes and conclusions and use them to shape new curriculum for public school students.

Democrats played the race card against Republicans for decades. That well is running dry. President Trump’s policies have led to a booming economy and record high job and wage growth for black Americans.

Democrats can no longer point to economic indicators and accuse Republicans of racial discrimination. Their new approach is to go back 400 years and “reframe” America’s history.

Their strategy is a sign of misery and fear on the part of Democrat leadership. They know that they cannot win if even a small percentage of black voters leave the fold and vote Republican.

Democrats presumed that the black vote belonged to them. That presumption is evaporating before their very eyes.

The 1619 Project is an example of the last gasp of desperation. It may sound good to the New York Times, but it won’t work for Americans who are standing up and rejecting the strategy of revision and division.

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We Had Better Show Up to Vote

Twenty Democrat candidates for President gathered in Miami, Florida to introduce themselves to the American people. For four hours over two nights we heard promises that revealed their underlying foundation of belief about America and the American people.

There were no significant differences in their philosophies and views of governing in America. There were significant differences between the overall philosophies that we heard during those four hours and philosophies that we did not hear.

What we heard from each of the twenty candidates was a constant stream of victimization, class envy, despair, dependence, divisiveness, and denial of individual responsibility. In short, the socialistic theme of the Democrats was, “In government we trust.”

What we never heard were the uniquely American themes of aspiration, freedom, patriotism, liberty, faith, family, prosperity, and acceptance of personal responsibility. The theme of, “In God We Trust” was as absent as light in the depths of Carlsbad Caverns.

The candidates promised that there would be no deportation for those entering the US illegally and, as icing on the cake, free health care. They also wanted to cancel student loans and give free college. With all of these goodies, there was not a single mention of the growing national debt and fiscal responsibility.

Economy – “there’s plenty of money in this country. It’s just in the wrong hands. Democrats have to fix that.” (Bill De Blasio)

On night one, the moderator, Savannah Guthrie opened the questioning on the economy with the observation that, “71 percent of Americans say the economy is doing well, including 60 percent of Democrats.” I found it interesting that she did not make the same observation on night two. The reason likely had to do with the way the candidates answered.

Not a single candidate acknowledged that the economy was doing better for everyone. Elizabeth Warren said that the economy was doing well for a “thinner and thinner slice at the top.” Kamala Harris said, “this economy is not working for working people.” Corey Booker said, “this is actually an economy that’s hurting small businesses.” I suppose that means that 70% of Americans and 60% of Democrats are out of touch with the reality that the candidates obviously knew.

The line that caught my attention was that of New York Mayor Bill De Blasio who proudly displayed his socialist philosophy. In an indirect way, he acknowledged that the Trump economy is booming when he said that “there’s plenty of money in this country.”

As a good socialist Democrat, De Blasio stepped up to the plate to fix the serious problem of individual wealth building in America. He is committed to get the money out of your hands as a free American and into the wise hands of the government where it needs to be.

Immigration – Come on In. We’ll Leave the Light on For You.

On the issue of illegal immigration, every candidate made it a “day one” priority to abolish all efforts of the Trump administration to secure the borders. They advocated a pathway to citizenship for all undocumented people in the United States. Illegal border crossing would be treated as a civil case rather than a criminal case. Deportation is off the table. Instead of deportation, there will be free health care and a pathway to citizenship.

It was pretty clear that to these candidates, the laws of the United States must only apply to US citizens. It raises a question of just exactly what the Border Patrol should be doing. These candidates may as well suggest that they disarm the Border Patrol and issue them summons books and US Government ball point pens. While they are at it, they may as well issue voter registration cards and let them cast pre-marked ballots.

Democrats did have some ideas about how to reduce the number of illegal (no, wait, that’s undocumented) border crossings. Julian Castro said, “we need a Marshall Plan for Honduras and Guatemala and El Salvador so that people can find safety and opportunity at home instead of coming to the United States to seek it.” These governments will, no doubt, graciously accept any handout from the United States while rounding up their most undesirable residents to send our way.

Health Care – “Under our plan people go to go to any doctor they want, any hospital they want.” (Bernie Sanders)

As the great philosopher, Yogi Berra, said, “It’s like déjà vu all over again.” Obama promised Americans that they could keep their health plan but Bernie Sanders is only promising that you can go to any doctor or any hospital you want.

Sanders wants to abolish the private health insurance market and put in a nationwide Medicare to take its place. Sanders is even up front on taxing the middle class, saying, “they will pay more in taxes, but less in health care for what they get.”

Every Democrat candidate promised some kind of universal, government run, health care system. Every Democrat candidate promised free health care for illegal (undocumented) immigrants.

Sanders was the only one openly advocating abolishing private health insurance. When a private system attempts to compete with a government run system, who will win? Private health insurance will be relegated to elective procedures like plastic surgery. Patients with the money will be able to by-pass lengthy waiting lines to go to concierge private hospitals.

Gun Rights – “that’s not confiscation. You could give them the offer to buy back their gun.” (Amy Klobuchar)

Every Democrat went after assault rifles. They all generously offered some kind of buy-back program. The candidates did not get into any direct statements on the 2nd Amendment. Elizabeth Warren made note of a significant difference between “guns in the hands of a collector who’s had them for decades, who’s never fired them” and “guns that are sold and turned over quickly.”

Ironically, Kirsten Gillibrand complained that President Trump had diverted funds away from cross-border gun trafficking. It sounds as if she was in favor of Obama’s Fast and Furious debacle that cost the life of a US Border Patrol agent.

Climate Change – “It’s a climate crisis. It represents an existential threat to us as a species.” (Kamala Harris)

Climate change was the top priority for several candidates and in the top few for the others. All committed to re-entering the Paris Climate Accord after President Trump pulled out in June, 2017.

This is notable because a report in July 2018 by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) released a report showing that the United States achieved the largest reduction in carbon emissions. Meanwhile China led the world with the largest increase in carbon emissions.

No one opposed the Green New Deal. Joe Biden wants to go all electric by 2030 and build 500,000 recharging stations.

Conclusion – We had better show up to vote.

In 2020, the American people will have a clear choice between the socialist agenda of the Democrats and the American dream agenda of the Republicans. The choice has never been clearer and we had better show up to vote for conservative Republicans. Choose wisely.

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